I'm taking pole dancing classes right now. Needless to say, it is not easy. There is a bruise the size of a cherry tomato on my right knee from attempting the Fireman spin. I know have a growing respect for strippers and professional pole dancers. It's hella fun but jfc (jesus freaking christ for those who aren't familiar with the acronym) it's bloody hard! I'll be going back there on Friday just to practice and perfect my spins, grinds, and booty-slapping moves.
In other news, Robert Kroetsch was killed in a car crash yesterday. It's always sad to see an author leave the earth, whether it's be natural causes or through tragic means. Rest in peace sir. At least he'll be joining bpNichol, Harold Pinter, and other great authors in that great poetry slam in the sky. Was that poetry slam joke inappropriate in this context? Ah well.
I'm just going to leave the article here in case anyone wants to read it.