To do during Summer....

Apr 30, 2011 20:09

too many stuff that i want to do during summer...

Let's see how many of these actually gets done :)

1.  Piano
> If I'm really going to perform in the concert, I have to get that Debussy song straight....or the Mozart song though looking at my pathetic grasp of the piano, Debussy's Clair de Lune is slightly more probable that Mozart's 12 variations...Also, I really want to learn a whole of songs and perfect another bunch of songs. will be bestie! I have tones of scores at home and it's REALLY time to start actually playing them >< And i really want to play some beethovan songs since I have that whole collection of his piano sonatas....and i want to start learning Chopin too....

2. Learn guitar
> I wonder if I can get a guitar for my upcoming 21st's probably unreasonable since I've already decided to practice piano as much as i can....learn another new instrument??? I wonder if that's possible but I'll just put it here for accounting purposes lol

3. Skating
> I will really want a new pair of skates...I'm definitely rusty with my skills since i can't even do an acid slide now...orz so it's time to head to East Coast part and humiliate myself in front of all the pros in the rink with my embarrassing falls and slips...but that's inevitable....well, anyway, to the beginners who's still trying to skate, I'm still kinda pro :P And definitely, start learning salaom for real...

4. Japanese (
> Translation... Off the net, I'll be doing all those stuff above. On the net...translations!!!! Since I've already shamelessly set up an account for magazine translation despite having completed only 2 semesters of Japanese, I'll improve myself shamelessly by shamelessly translating more articles lol. Alice Nine, SID --> my top two beloved artists that I'll be focusing translations on. Nightmare will be the next consideration. And I've also shamelessly wrote on my profile page that I'll be accepting translation requests, I'm be doing quite a lot of stuff lol (though at the moment, no requests have come in...) Also yeah, DDboys episodes. I'll be working on those a lot too! speaking of which, i should shamelessly ask and request for volunteers to help sub videos while I provide I'm definitely getting shameless xD;;

5. Korean and Cantonese and Hokkein and Malay
> At the moment, those are the languages I really feel like learning because they are effective code language :3.... admittingly, I would like to learn European languages like French, Spanish and German but I have way more resources for the above languages than for European languages....though Malay, I need to learn from the sister since Singapore education has made malay classes compulsory at least in primary school as far as i can remember which is quite a good thing in my opinion lol. Hokkein....hmmm i can consult my housemate i guess...over skype??? Cantonese --> canto dramas, i'll be watching, though i wonder how far i can go considering I really kind of hate the cliche storylines that they always have there. Korean --> same, dramas, though the same problem --> cliche storylines >.> but oh well, we'll see...but more likely, Japanese learning/improving will overshadow these 4 languages

6. Gaming
> not a particular good thing to do in summer since I know I'll waste a lot of time on it and gaming is one of the main reasons why i can never get stuff done in Summer....but I really want to be able to play gravitation lvl 24 on SDO by the end of this that needs special training!!!!ヽ(*`Д´)ノ and of course, I'll be playing megaten as well....though I'm starting to get a little sick of that game already.....

> right, so i created this account just today because I feel like criticizing the recent anime I've watched lol...there are too many bullshit anime that are on the net right now and I just feel like reviewing them lol. Even though I said that I don't really think I'll be watching too many bullshit anime in the first place lol.... because if it's really shitty i won't even go past the first episode lol. But anyway, I just feel like putting some comments down for all the things that i've watched because i'm turning senile and I need to write down my impressions of stuff if not I'm going to forget those stuff.....== well, i'm not going to limit that site to only anime, cos, though currently I'm in a phase where i'm more interested in anime, when that phase is over, I'll be more interested in drama and absolutely not watch anime....>.> well, we'll see again for this one....

8. Stem cells research
> Actually this should top my list since technically this is the most important thing...considering that this concerns my academic transcripts and future career I'm's just a lab research class that I'll be taking next semester but i need to force myself to read up on all those stuff so that I'll not be too idiotic on the first day of lab....Also, since I'm involved in a topic that I'm actually interested in, I should really read up more on it. Considering I'm technically a prospective chemical engineer, I should not be doing too much anime and gaming since that will not earn me a salary, but instead work more on these aspects >.> well, that's just supposedly, but it's summer, give me a break, but yes, I'll work on this too... Definitely. I do aspire to be knowledgeable and sophisticated in my areas of supposed expertise. Though my current genetics class grade is a C =.=....Ahh, also, since I'm doing on stem cells, I feel i should revise all biology and understand biology from the fundamentals. yes I've taken 2 biology classes but seriously I don't feel enlightened....if my dad actually knows biology professors i might actually want to talk to them but since he's more of materials...i guess not huh =.= though come to think of it, I probably can't talk with biology professors since they might die from my overwhelming ignorance >.>

9. Reading
> Nicely connected, since I'm going to read research papers after research papers on stem cells, I might as well read some more books to enrich myself. Not just English books though. I recently feel like flaunting my chinese language knowledge if any as well. And to do that I'll need to read up on Chinese poetry, which i recently find very pompus and a great tool to show off to people who are not so aware of those aspects of chinese language LOL..... though that said, I do honestly feel that chinese poetry are beautifully written and though I do not feel that way when i was young, but now that I've awakened to the beauty of certain poetry, I'll like to revise my knowledge on that. And of course, I'll like to read more non-fiction stuff, especially on sociology and psychology since those are the two fields that I've recently gotten interested in....maybe some fiction too since too much non-fiction can kill me....then again, the last time i tried doing this, I only managed to read about 2 books orz......

10. Cooking
>  Thanks to living in the apartment, I've somewhat gotten used to using kitchen tools and ingredients and now I'm equipped with sufficient skills to cook myself a meal should the need ever arises....BUT sufficient skills is not enough to survive in this cruel cold world where the bare minimum is always not enough to be able to impress anyone. and don't tell me about how impressing people is not a big deal, cos get real, everyone tries to impress others consciously or unconsciously...but main thing is, I shall cook for the first time in my own house kitchen! My sister actually wants me to cook curry for her so I might perfect my curry-made-from-scratch skills with this summer. Though of course, since I'm Asian, I want to cook real asian dishes so that I don't have to put with these fake asian dishes over here.....

11. Shopping
> well not really a very very important thing but since I've made it a kind of policy that i will not shop more than 2 or 3 times in America, I should get more clothes when i get back....but well, orchard road and bugis are definitely places that I'll want to visit anyway regardless of the need to shop lol

12. Eating
> Like definitely. After 1 entire year of fake asian food, i need compensation. and by compensation, i really think hawker centres might be more legit than those that are indoors...that being said, I still will head in Ion or something and grab some really nice food inside lol. And though sweet talk, u're so unhealthy with your sugar and preservatives and coloring usage, I'll still visit you practically everyday for bubble tea and honey dew saga >^

13. Drawing
> manga drawing....hmmm I don't exactly have the burning passion right now, but when I do, i might want to really get into it and actually, i kind of want to learn real drawing, not just manga, but more realistic drawings....though as i said, I don't have the strong passion for this now, so I can't really think of what i want to do....

14. Self-evaluation
> Basically, I want to develop myself lol. sounds funny right? but now that I'm turning 21, I want to be a deeper person and not someone with just superficiality. Ever since going to university, I've been enlightened quite a lot, especially on the superficiality of other people and also on the glaring weakness of my own self. Thus, before I go around criticising people, I want to first nurture myself, and gain more knowledge, be more aware of stuff. So, even though I say self-evaluation, I want to do stuff beyond what I'll usually do I guess. I want to start from the things I really enjoy. For instance, currently, I'm immensely interested in rock music and visual-kei. So, what i definitely want to do is to go beyond just liking them, I want to know them, i want to know their history, their styles, the criticisms of them and their music. I mentioned i want to learn the guitar, it's because of rock influences that i want to anyway. It's too big of a step for me to research on sophisticated topics like other more science-related topics that I'm interested in like psychology and social science, so I guess i'll stick to more light topics like music. though I'm not undermining the depths of music itself, I'm just aiming to cover a greater breadth and a certain depth of this topic to the best of my abilities. It'll be good if I can learn to play rock piano or compose songs but at this point in time, I simply do not have the abilities to do so....orz

of course hanging out with friends is something i will do that does not require a place in the list >.>

most likely, not all is gonna get done....i can totally foresee what my summer is going to be but let's see if upon reaching the age of 21, I will have grown to be able to overcome my procrastinating and demotivated self to do any of these things above.....
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