Catch up, not the sauce

Aug 01, 2008 19:29

What is happening in the life of me?
I'm unemployed
I'm talking to real publishers about publishing our book
I'm about to start my real job
and I am all of the sudden somewhat atheltic

Yes, this is a very good thing. I escaped with my sanity and a rational grip on my temper. If I had stayed a day longer I would have snapped in a bad way. Managment changed--and lets just say that was the end of peace. Or I should say the end of the False Peace. No one really got along, but we pretneded to. On my last day, announcements were made and I can not imagine that backs were not stabbed and faces were not slapped. But that drama is in my past.

And because I told a little fib and said my clinicals started on the 7th (when really my turn would not come until Aug. 4th) I have had over a month off! It has been so great. My very last vaction ever, as mama called it. I have to agree with her. It takes years to accumilate a decent paid vaction. So . . . 
I have not, however, wasted the time. It was the plan from the start of the fib. Hillary and I used our free time to seriuously write. If I don't say so myself, we did very good at it. It was hard in the beginning to find inspiration to wrote all day long, but wen we finally got into the groove, our book basically finished itself!

We wrote it longhand in a composition book first. Then we typed it up (enhancing small things like detail and plot development.) That was when we stalled for maybe a week or two. As is our nature, we were bored of the story and wanted to write somehting else. But finally one night at about 11:30 pm, we were discussing how close we were to finishing it. I got an urge to write and since I didn't need to get up early the next day (and I had weeks to recooperate) I decided to get up and type.

Hillary says that it is becasue I attacked my creativity at an odd hour, and I guess that's it, because I was on fire. I suddenly knew exactly how it was going to play out and I typed and typed. The next thing I know, it's 4:00 in the AM and I finally get to type the words The End--and mean it!!!

OMG that was agreat feeling!

Hillary had fallen asleep way back in the previous day (at 11 when I got up) but I was so excited I woke her up to tell her. (It was an accident, I swear! I just cheered, is it my fault the noise woke her up?) She wasn't so excited. She barely knew what I was talking about. lol

The next morning, fully awake, she was able to first: read what I had written--about 25 pages in one shot, and then: share my excitement.  But, alas, we really do have a problem. We can think up a story. Now we know we can wirte it. But we, as we came to realize, we can't do a simple second draft. Oh no. During the 're-vamping' we added so many new thigns that it really was an enitrely different book. And we wasted a few weeks trying to make that work unti Hillary--bless her--finally smacked it into my thick head that we needed to go back to the original plot line. Her actions (such as deleting EVERYTHING NEW) were harsh but the right thing to do.

The change was hard for me. I was just not looking at it in the same light and I couldn't understand why she wanted to cut down on the exciting, complicated, almost impossible plot that I weaved in desperation to make it a twelve pound epic novel. The story is a short, light (hopefully comedic) fanstasy love story. Once she led me to the light, I stopped messing around and started helping her again.

You read that right! Boo-YAH (As Ron Stoppable would say.) We finished it a week ago, spent a few days going over and over it, fixing typos and just tweaking like mad. Then we printed it out. It was about 50 pages. I said it was short. We let mama read it.  She loved the story and the concept (who wouldn't, I say lol) but admitted to some flaws. It stung, but in a totally great way. Critisim is the foundation of really great work.

Now armed with her thoughts, we have started the third draft. We are not changing anything, but mama felt it could be fleshed out more. This was my thought from the beginning. We were so focused on the finish line we rushed important things and missed out on a lot of oppurtunity to successfull develope a fanstasy world.

We started looking up what it takes to get a book finished. So far I have learned that getting your book published is one of the most complicated things to try to do without an agent. We can't afford an agent, so we choice the hard way! I looked up all sorts of publishers and requested more info. So now, I kid you not, real publishing companies are calling the house and asking to speak to me about what process I would like to get my book published.

Man-o-man that first call was scary! By that time, remember, we had started re-vamping it, and now--all of a sudden, a man calls me and starts talking all of this official biz and I am so bewildered that I don't even find a chace to tell him Hillary helped me write it, it's not finished, and I don't even know what he is talking about! When I made it clear to him that I didn't have anohter job and I couldn't afford to buy a publishing package, he ended the call and didn't call back.

All I can say is , WHEW!

The next phone call was intercepted by Hillary, who set the record striaght by telling whoever it was that we had wrriten it together. I felt better after that, at least it wasn't like I was pretending to have done it all alone.

Then a lady called who was very nice. She simply told me to check my email to find the information she'd sent me and hoped that we would consider their company. So far I like her the most. But still, about five different people seem to think we are sending out book to them. I'm thinking, I can't send it to all of them at the same time becasue of copyright stuff right?

Geewiz, it really is complicated. Hillary eased my anxiety by poitningout that we have no commiment to anyone until we actually literally send in out manuscript. So now I feel better. We can find some one who will read the manuscript for free and then go from there. First, though, we have to finish the re-vamp.

We are adding longer sequences that makes every sense in the world to me and changes absolutely nothing of the general plot. It's fun and easy, it'll just take time. Time that we don't have. Our vaction is over. Monday we go to work in the hospital.

We were supposed to purchase a Appalachian Student patch to sew onto our scrubs. We drove all the way to Jasper today to get them because the bookshop lady SAID that they would be in by now--they weren't. That made the second time we drove up there for them and they weren't there! Luckily for her, we had paperwork to turn in, so the gas wasn't wasted.
We were supposed to call the hospital and find out if they want us to come in at 7 or 8 on Monday. I meant to do it when we got home, but by the time I got all of the groceries put away, I had totally forgot. Then, about thirty minutes ago, Hillary look sup from her book and asks, "Do you think it's too late to call the hospital?" 
I'm typing/watching t.v. and glance at the clock. "No." I say.
"Okay," She says, sounding as if she has every intention of getting up and getting the phone. We are in seperate rooms and I am abosrbed in words, so I do not even realize that she does not get up, but keeps reading. So then five mintues ago, she comes in adn says, "Did you call?"
When I said, "No, I thought you did." She pulls a face and makes the call but it is too late and the woman is gone home for the weekend. So now we have to get up uber-uber early (because just uber-early would have been 7, instead of 6) to find out what time to be there.

But it's all good. I barely took a nap today, so I might actually fall asleep before 2:00 in the AM--hopefully! Maybe I can get back on a decent sleep schedule and therefore not be a zombie by Monday.

Mama found some Fish Oil vitamins that are supposed to be good for your heart and, when taken with excessive walking, targets belly fat. I'm not sure what 'excessive' walking is, but this is my logic: if I never walk now, what I call regular walking will then be classified as 'excessive'. That may be a load of crap, but I feel better about myself anyway. We started walking in the park daily (the trail is about 1 1/4 miles) and with the expection of rainy days, have walked excessively since then.

I have not detected in extreme changes in my pudgy middle area, but I figure it takes time--and less junk food, which, I promise I am working on. I bought appals today, come on. I don't know how I will keep up the regime when I lose all of my free time to eight hour shifts. I guess we will walk every evening after work? That may not come through, it depends on hour taxing a day at the hospital can be. Maybe on our lunch break--that is, if it is long enough? . . . . we'll figure it out.

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