Dec 02, 2004 12:29
Today I discovered the feeling of watching someone else achieve what I once strived to attain. I can't help but feel as though everything I did as a rower my last 4years mean nothing. I never accomplished what I truly set out to do. And what seems to add salt to the open wounds is that there was nothing I could have done. I had 4 chances and somehow all 4 chances slipped through my grip like a greasy oar handle on a rainy day. Now I can never go back and win it, Ill never have another chance, Its all gone. All the medals I won mean nothing, it never meant that I was the best, we were the best, it mean I beat somebody for 1 race. My only accomplishment my senior year was winning jersey states with an awesome comeback, which only seems trivial now that someone else is surpassing me and accomplishing all I had hoped to accomplish. I use hope because hope is an active quality meaning I took part in making it possible as opposed to wishing where you simply ask for it to happen or want to happen but dont do anything about it. I did everything about it, I worked as hard as I could, at one point I was labled as the workhorse of the team. Just never stopped, and all that work got me knocked out in semi-finals this year. At the time I brushed it off but now looking back on it, I gues you could say it angers me, but maybe more so it hurts. I definetly think it hurts. Now it almost presents the idea to me that everything I have done just hasn't been enough.