May 08, 2006 16:46
The light is on my dashboard. Low Fuel, it dims when I slow down. I wonder if it's a metaphor for driving. I just put ten dollars in yesterday, and now the light is on once again. It's a Corolla, not a suburban, how can this be. How high can fuel costs get before people either riot, or repent. I get tailgated every day by people in SUVs that shouldn't be driving at all. I've also discovered a really good solution for SUV crash safety, it goes something like this:
remove all seatbelts from SUV seats (driver only) and replace the airbag with high carbon steel blads facing the driver. perhaps replace the airbag with a nail-laced IED from Iraq. SUV accidents will rapidly decrease in both frequency, and severity. It would also have the side benefit of creating better drivers through attrition. Perhaps that would keep them from riding my ass every day.
I finally replaced the faucet from my kitchen. The old one had gone from a light drip to being on all the time. The new one has a extendable sprayer thingy, that's great for spraying Jennifer when she's hovering about the kitchen. (If only we still had cats).
I replaced Jennifer's brakes and wiper blades on her car, that makes quite a difference in the way it runs. Her driving still freaks me out sometimes, though.
I think I need a tatoo, I'm not sure what, but I think it might make life a little more interesting.
There are lots of people riding to work these days, maybe the fuel prices are starting to make a difference in some people.
enough rambling.