Title: Leave It All To Me (1/?)
Pairings: Sho/Jun
Genre: Angst/Romance
Rating: PG (for now)
Disclaimer: Owning Arashi would be like owning slaves. Illegal.
Series Summary: Sho leaves. Jun tries to get him to stay.
Chapter Summary: Remembering the first night.
The first night was the hardest.
Sho remembered waking up, remembered groaning blearily and turning over to flop an arm over a familiar body…only to realize that he was all alone in the bed. His bed. The wrong bed.
He remembered lying awake, counting imaginary cracks on his wall and wondering, wishing, praying that the pain would ease. Wondering whether or not he could get up in a few hours, head to the dome, and do an entire concert without falling apart. Because Sho was sick of pretending that everything was fine and wonderful and dandy as hell. Because he couldn’t stand this fucked up world where nothing made sense and he was lying in his bed when he should have been in another’s.
But then, he was the one who decided to leave. He was the one who had ended the dream.
And that first night would not bring any dreams. Only regrets. So many regrets.
A/N: Oi!
So I’ve never written a non-JUMP fic before. But the hostile noob takeover of the JUMP comm, combined with MNSB and the Yamajimachioka pimpage, has really killed my love of writing JUMP ficage. And I’ve been dying to write an Arashi fic for months ever since Sho suddenly usurped Yabu’s position as my reason for living way, way, way back when.
So here goes! Comments are much appreciated because I love hearing from new people. And I really don’t know anyone in the Arashi fandom. So I’d love to meet some new peeps. Tell me what you think!