[ 001 ]: all you need are your kicks when you need them

Dec 08, 2011 22:35

Arthur had started working in dreamsharing with his friends the Cobbs but ever since they started a family together he had started taking more "solo jobs" where he basically had to work with a different extractor and architect nearly every time ( Read more... )

who: ian ||| sebastian_moore, what: log, when: pre-canon

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sebastian_moore December 9 2011, 18:27:50 UTC
Sebastian Moore, more commonly known simply as Ian, was an extractor slash point slash drunk slash party boy slash knows-how-and-when-to-get-his-work-done-thank-you-bloody-fucking-much. His methods were rather unorthodox but they worked. His morals -- well, they were very much in the gray which suited him and his job perfectly.

Within the next week it would be work taking up much of his time but until then, he could live it up in the style he was accustomed to. Well, the style he had become accustomed to.

Ian knocked back a shot of tequila and motioned the bar tender to bring another. "Can't you play something dancy-er instead of this 'slow jam' shite that you have playing? Is it too much to ask for some Madonna or Lady Gaga? I bet," he said, knocking back the next shot before continuing, "you would have a lot more business if you played something more relevant."


littlspecificty December 10 2011, 03:07:42 UTC
Arthur couldn't help smirking as he sat down at the bar, not able to help over-hearing the other man at the bar complaining about the music.

Dryly, amused, "Pretty sure you'll have to go to a club for that kind of thing."

He then ordered a rum and coke, not wanting to indulge in shots tonight.


sebastian_moore December 11 2011, 01:44:42 UTC
It admittedly took a moment or three before Ian realized someone had spoken to him. He looked over at the man, the very beautiful man, sitting at the bar who had spoken to him and allowed his lips to curve up in appreciation. "There should be a place where they play good music and yet isn't bloody irritating to stay at for five minutes because you can't hear yourself talk much less think."

Motions for the bartender for another shot before resting his elbow on the bar and looking the man over. "And what is your name?"


littlspecificty December 11 2011, 02:05:35 UTC
Snorting softly as his drink was placed in front of him, "I'd prefer some jazz to Madonna or... whatever her name is." But then, that's why he usually brought his own music with him when he traveled (but tended to tolerate others' music until he got back to his room or was on the next plane to finally indulge in his own preferences).

After taking a sip of his drink he looked over at the other man, a brow arched, voice smooth, "Depends on who's asking."


sebastian_moore December 12 2011, 01:47:02 UTC
"Lady Gaga, darling - Poker Face, Love Game, Bad Romance..." Ian corrected with a wink. He took the downed the shot placed in front of him before he stood, waving off the bartender's concern before he took a seat next to Arthur.

"Well, obviously, I'm asking," he responded smoothly and held his hand out for the other man. "Nathan." He certainly wasn't going to give his real name.


littlspecificty December 12 2011, 01:57:34 UTC
Arthur couldn't help arching a brow at the other man but was amused by his boldness nonetheless. He swallowed another sip before taking the man's hand, "Josh." (He wasn't giving out his real name, either.)

Taking his hand back, "So, you're telling me you actually like her music?" Arthur couldn't exactly say he was a fan... Yet he tended to be a music snob at times so any "pop" he did like was often kept secret.


sebastian_moore December 12 2011, 04:13:28 UTC
Ian shook the man's hand, strong and confident. "Pleasure to meet you, Josh," he sent him a charming smile.

He raised an eyebrow and motioned for the bartender to just bring him a scotch before he returned his attention to Arthur. "Of course I do. It's poppy, it's dancy and it's easy to get lost to in its sheer mindlessness - I don't have to think too much and it's bloody catchy. You can't tell me you haven't had one of her songs stuck in your head at some point despite whether you wanted it to or not." Ian liked what he liked and didn't give two shits what anyone else thought about his music preferences.


littlspecificty December 12 2011, 04:48:15 UTC
He took another sip of his drink, shaking his head, "If I ever did, it was certainly against my will." And that he could attest to with the song Bad Romance, finding himself suddenly singing it as he was putting the dishes away or changing out his laundry, or even ironing one of his suits (which would lead to him cursing and forcing himself to stop when he realized what he was doing).

Adding dryly as he raised his glass to his lips again, "At least you admit it's mindless music."


sebastian_moore December 16 2011, 23:42:47 UTC
He chuckled and sent him an amused smirk. "It just means that somewhere in that brain of yours, you enjoy it - despite yourself." Ian turned the glass around on the table when the scotch arrived before he picked it up and took a sip.

"Mm, just because I love it doesn't mean I don't believe it's mindless," he smirked after setting the glass back down onto the bar. "Apart from jazz, what other kind of music do you like? Something with intelligent lyrics?"


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