Jun 06, 2009 14:14
Nakatsu Tsuna Johji Ohno Nana Ebi Momiji OthelloMICHAEL
We sure could use a little good news; Raphael, Chizu-nee, Sara Time-bending is so helpful; Devit Tis the season to be dropping; Hatori Was it good for you; Raphael Who knew ninjas could fly; Shikamaru Don't try this at home kids; Ivy Who stole the cookies; Neiji It's not a poofball it's a cat; Burupya Will kill for cookies; Bel Sex is for losers; Pell, Devit, Raidou The floor is lava; Chizu-nee Only losers punch camels; Setsuna, Eddie Tell me about your feelings; Neiji Strangers with candy; Axel, Hatter Catching up with bro; Rabi That's a big sword; Kamui A shit ton of paperwork; Link Lovely tea party; Devit, Damian, Hatter Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz; Zoro FEBRUARY:
Beat up and all lost like; Ash, Bel An S or an M; Raikou Ow my ears are bleeding; Dean Fuck marry or kill; Axel Do you see the anteater; Ahiru, Chizu-nee Pain them black; Devit Paint them black; Raphael Your life is so hard; Setsuna Your life is so hard; Zex Into the woods; Ivy Hows it going; Shigure, Chizu-nee, Rabi Cookies for camp vets; Uriel Cookies for camp vets; Raphael Look whos coming to dinner; Rabi, Lucifer, Ramiel, Chizu-nee MARCH:
Collecting stars; Unicorn, Chizu-nee, Devit, Sara A bear a bird and a man eating plant POST; Chizu-nee, Raphael, Bel, Uriel, Nico, Zack, Hatter, Axel, Allen, Link, Burupya, Sara, Citrine, Devit, Timothy, Aeris In your dumpster eating your trash; Devit In your dumpster eating your trash; Rabi Unhand that shrubbery; Hatter, Uriel Kick the puppy; Chizu-nee Not just for bondage; Shika, Ino, Uriel, Tyki Celebration; Devit Celebration; Bel It's raining gold; Axel, Uriel What are you doing; Shigure Baby bye nap time; RabiHIATUS
Sexual experiences; Raphael Sexual experiences; Chizuru Too much free time; Rabi, Tyki New and news; Devit Diamon card hijinks; Axel Everyone but me is crazy; Raphael Everyone but me is crazy; Sara Clown in a box; Hatter, Uriel, Setsuna Baaaaaaaaaby hobo; Tyki Awkward truths; Bel Scrawny war whore named Lucy; Rabi The ground is made of lava; Sora The ground is made of lava; Raphael Fishing for fish; Hiccup, Toothless, Setsuna Happy campiversary; Axel Crossdressers ball; Uriel, Tyki, Setsuna Crossdressers ball; Devit Bed buddies; Hatter MAY:
Lights out; Devit Feelings are hard; Shika Naptime stories; Rabi Naptime stories; Raphael Naked day emo; Rabi Naked day crazy; Devit Revenge so good; Dietrich Kidnapped or dead; Rayne, Uriel, Hatter Tattoodle; Devit, Tyki Bed buddies; Hatter Missing archangel found; Axel, Rabi, Chizu-nee, Shika, Tyki JUNE:
Check in time; Axel, Devit Hello my name is; Grelle Love doctor is in; Tyki, Devit Memories lost; cuebattlemusic Memories lost; David, Uriel, Tyki, Chizu-nee, Raphael, Setsuna Memory cured; Chizu-nee Memory cured; Raphael Last man standing; Devit Hat for you; Burupya Pull the lever; Tyki Back to the future; Haru, Bel Pirate in your face; Ace It's a plant; Katou, Rabi These are my confessions; Shika These are my confessions; Chizu-nee Bachelorette auctions; Chizu-nee, Rabi, Dietrich, StanTattoo duty; Devit Bachelor auction; Hatter, Shika, Tyki, David, Devit, Ivy, Setsuna Tea party co post; Hatter, Itachi Missing cat boyfriend cat; Devit It's July; Rabi, Teito, David, Tyki, Raph JULY:
Summer cleaning; Tyki Anger issues; Shigure Blondes are trouble; Setsuna, Katou Check ups; Muraki Ninjas versus pirates; Ino Saying goodbye; Chizuru Burnination; Raph, Shika, Tyki, Devit, Sara, Uriel, Setsuna Favorite people; Rabi Popularity contest; Devit Not the same; Devit, Road Candwich; Ino Hamburgers eventually; David It's official; Shigure It's official; Tyki AUGUST:
Subconscious fun time; Tyki Subconscious fun time; Devit We keep starting fires; Rabi Mine are bigger; Rabi Building like builders; Rabi, Road, Allen Silly Canadians; Turnbull, Shikamaru, David Suddenly rain; Raphael Bartending; Belphegor Candy shack; Tyki, Rayfell Candy shack; Axel Wear dumb stuff here; Rabi, Hatter Candy shack; Uriel Bedninja ninja; Itachi Join the masquerade; Uriel Join the masquerade; Raph Join the masquerade; Devit Join the masquerade; Hatter, Tyki Join the masquerade; Shika Welcome back; Tyki, Rabi, Cross Genderswitch fun; Allen, Devit Random effects; Tyki Questions; Shigure Bonus points; Shika, Axel SEPTEMBER:
Virgin; Setsuna, Katou Wings; Ahiru Counseling fun time; Lance Stupid rain; Eric Not impressed; Road Ask me about; Devit Tea party; Lotti, Road Tiny antics; Axel Staredown; Cesare Eggbaby; Terry New boyfriend; Rabi Egg playdate; Tyki Arts; Devit, Shuri OCTOBER:
Whos afraid; Tyki Whos afraid; Bel Operation jealousy; Tyki, Ash Games; Road Whistles; Rabi Whistles; Yuki Interrogation station; Yuki One good thing; Shika Crazy town; Tyki Costumes; +Anima Raptor herding; Teito, Mikage I hear you; Shika Pretty princess; Setsuna Sea cow; Temeraire Fireball POST Lets party; David Dress up; Judith, Itachi, Setsuna Pet me; Rabi Pet me; Link NOVEMBER:
Mama; Cesare Messy; Tyki Fatal death; Shika Fatal death; Uriel Stupid sexy; Yukimura Beggin' strips; Alpha Do you approach; Alexiel Do you approach; Hatter Something unusual; Muraki, Tyki It broke; Shigure Getting to know you; Shiemi Creepy costume; Ahiru Yo bro; Burupya Congratulations; Setsuna, Itachi Congratulations; Rhode Rack attract; Trish, Devit Halo; Dean Research; Ivy So naked; Tsukihiko Tetris; Sera, Yuca Baby ninjas; Neji, Itachi Baby ninjas; Shikamaru Ffff; Rociel Ffff; Rapahel DECEMBER:
Only yesterday; Neji Only yesterday; Axel Ugly Christmas sweater; Raikou Jelly belly; Rabi Questions; Ahiru Decoration station; Road, Claire All I want; Ivy, Tyki Party time; Raph, Ahiru Happy birthday; Devit, Dero Dinner party; Link, Rabi, Allen Look out; Naruto, Neji Do you like me; Devit
thread log,