Mar 15, 2007 20:59
I gave blood today. I always feel good when I do something like that, even though my particular situation (i.e. been to Africa) always is a cause for confusion. And then there was the whole "IS SUM HPV VACCINE OKAY?!" situation, since I recently got vaccinated. The guy who filled out my form was neat, so it was kinda funny. :3 But I also felt bad that I always cause sooo many problems wherever I go. D:
I was totally impressed that the woman who took my blood hit the vein in one go. It usually takes about two to four goes, each time around consisting of someone digging around for something. Plus tourniquets, me squeezing my fist, etc, etc, the whole nine yards. It was bitchin'. Although, I have a bad reaction to shots/getting blood drawn. I get super dizzy and I feel faint no matter what I do. BUT. It's totally worth it! People are in need of my precious fluids!
Durrr... ummmm... anyway. So far I have two band-aids for that whole business, one band-aid for when I scraped my knuckle on a desk and it REFUSES to heal (this makes me sound like a pussy, but I swear to god it hurts so much), one from where my pinkie toenail split in half and one on the other pinkie toe forrrrr... I dunno what's wrong with it. BUT IT HURTS, AND CLEARLY BAND-AIDS ARE THE SOLUTION.
I like band-aids. :3
That's all you get folks. SHITTY RAMBLINGS. Over and out! :3