Upside VS Downside (or TEN)

Mar 19, 2010 16:58

Anyone noticed there's always a downside or ten to accompany an upside?

Well, I have work next week. Which means money.

That's the good upside.

The sucky thing is that it's afternoon shift, and I'm stuck on the biscuit line with those...those...ugh.

Maybe it was mildly amusing, though, when the boss rung.

"I've got work for you next week. Maybe all week, I dunno yet."
"That's cool. Thanks."
"Afternoon shift."
"On the biscuit line."
"... *crickets chirp*"
"Why can't I go on the cereal line?"
"I'm training new employees, so I need to shift people around."
"Oh...alright then."
"See you Monday then, mate."
"Yeah. See you.
*phone clicks* You. ASSHOLE."
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