I know your dirty little secret, Jesus.

May 25, 2009 17:41

Dialogue between my friend and I in Maths today:

Me: Can I borrow your white out, Em?

Em: Sure, it's in Elmo. (Her pencil case).

Me: O_o In Elmo?

Em: ...oh yeah, it's in Elmo. Elmo has a white out addiction. Me: *snort* I'd love to see them explain that on Sesame Street.

Em: *singsong* Elmo will be absent from Sesame Street until further notice! So today boys and girls, we'll be learning about the letter R-

Me: Whoo! R for rehab!

Cold, I know. But fcuk it was funny as at the time. Just shows how Maths is about as entertaining as pulling teeth out without antiseptic. Kind of like Ancient History right now; I get to summarise eight pages on Hatshepsut's building scheme during her reign. Oh yeah, and then there's Religion assessment tomorrow which is always fun (not). And then English to finish, and I swear to god, if anyone mentions the "feathered glory" in Yeats' "Leda and the Swan" again, I shall slay them with a shovel. Oh yeah, and I have a little bit of the essay to finish. Stared at the rest of it for eight hours yesterday, and then I got inspiration and wrote the second half.

At 11:30pm at night.

Yeah, I'm totally rebelling against the dominant reading. Just to watch the neurotic old bat posing as educator pop a vein. ... "Dear God, Screw you and your Virgin Mum who so cannot be a Virgin, you narcisstic wizard-bitch.

Love, Me. P.S. I know Jesus' dirty little secret, so nyah."
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