Top 10 Movies (2000-2009)

Dec 16, 2009 22:10

I got this idea from triniroslin15 when she posted her top 30 movies of the decade. I decided that I would do top ten TV and Movies. Here goes...

This was so much easier than the TV ones. Partially because I give less of a fuck about movies than I do about TV. Whatever. I tend to just like cheesy movies. Nothing...profound. Heh.

Alright. So I LOVE this movie. I think it's just the best modern fairy tale/love story what have you. I mean it's just....adorable. I could watch this movie once a year on the same day make it a tradition. It's that type of movie.

So my boyfriend at the time this movie came out convinced me to go see it, and I wasn't all that keen on it. Considering it was a sequel of a movie I have not seen. Boyfriend was like "he...transports things" Y'all this movie was AWESOME. I also love Jason Statham. I mean, he's my go to action movie guy. I've seen all his ridiculous action movies with the exception of the other Transporters. Transporter 2 is one of my favorites, therefore I do not want to sully it with the other Transporters.

So, I saw this movie....not sober. Needless to say it blew my entire mind and I still, to this day, refuse to watch this movie straight. And again, I still have no idea what it's about, I just know I love it TO DEATH. Oh my god. Best shit ever.

This is just a classic. I quote this movie ALL the time. Most of the time it's random and people wonder why I'm talking like a Valley Girl going all "you go here?" I don't know between the "Warner? You go here?" and the Bend and Snap this movie is just....I love it.

Ok, just like with Sin City I was under the influence of "things" when I saw this movie. I was also curled up in the fetal position in the theater laughing my ass off for the entire two plus hours. If you did NOT see Grindhouse in the theater, you missed out. Seriously. The intermission part was the best. thing. ever. I just loved both movies so much. It was basically a very kick ass experience.

Lindsey Lohan is a tool or whatever, but this movie also has Tina Fey, Amanda Seyfried and Rachel Mcadams. I don't know, this movie was fucking awesome. Really funny and just... perfect. I don't know. I loved it a LOT.

This movie scared me more than anything has ever scared me EVER. It is basically my worst nightmare fully realized in a motion picture. I'm not fucking around when I say I was getting panicked just looking at the screen caps when I was putting this post together. I saw this movie in a theater full of people on a Friday night, sitting in the back row to ensure no one would sneak up behind me and I was still so engrossed and freaked out I could barely walk to my car without looking over my shoulder. I had to turn on all the lights at my apartment because my roommate was out of town that week. This movie is just so insanely scary. Some people do not agree, and that's fine, just know that this movie scared me so fully. I actually purchased this movie and still can't watch certain points. I think I just purchased it as a "conquer my fear" thing. I don't know.

I know I'm an asshole for having TWO Kristen Stewart movies, but I fell in love with this movie before I knew who she was. I just thought she was an interesting character in a really good movie. (but it's this movies fault that the next movie is even ON this list) This movie had a real "foreign movie" feel. I don't know, it was advertised as like "cute chick" making out with the kid from the O.C. and the movie was not about that AT ALL. It was more about Meg Ryan and dude from the O.C. Anyway, it was a really subtle movie that took it's sweet time telling a pretty cool story. I loved it bunches.

This movie HAD to be on this list. I have the weirdest relationship with the books, but after a sort of frenzy between me and fatspank in regards to this movie, it's made it's way into one of my favorite movies. IT's REALLY BAD, and I do not take it serious at all...but it's just epic in how EPIC it is. I mean, there are sparkling vampires and people bitch facing all over the place. It's just.... It's the best god damn movie. There. I said it.

ok THIS movie, I have no idea why I love it so much, I just know I do. I think it just hit me at the exact right time, I remember watching it and just being like "that was fuck!awesome" I don't know. I think a few of the movies on this list are like that, I watched it at the exact right moment in my life to make me fall head over heels in love with it, and this is one of those movies. It's just a classic coming of age story about these two friends who take this chick on a road trip with them. It's really good times, I recommend it.

ALRIGHT! that is all. Let me know what you think.


movies: amelie, movies: grindhouse, movies: legally blonde, movies: y tu mama tambien cruel intentio, movies: transporter 2, movies: twilight saga, movies: in the land of women, movies: sin city, movies: the ring, movies: mean girls

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