Top 10 Television Shows (2000-2009)

Dec 16, 2009 21:39

I got this idea from triniroslin15 when she posted her top 30 movies of the decade. I decided that I would do top ten TV and Movies. Here goes...

This was a bit difficult, there where some shows that I really enjoy that I had to leave off, while others that started out strong but ended kinda sucky so I couldn't, in my right mind add them to this list. These are my very favorite television shows from this decade.

I was resistant to this show because it had a laugh track, but then I watched a few episodes and it turned out to be pretty awesome. I still maintain the second season is the best, with the character of "Robin Sparkles" however the fourth season has some pretty awesome episodes peppered in.

This is just, the weirdest damn show on the planet. I watched one episode with some friends of mine after a shift at work, and needless to say it was just....weird. The episode was called "Full Swing" anywho, there are only six episodes of this show in existence, and it's throwed as fuck.

I know I'm a fucking asshole for having a reality show in this list, but I LOVE Top Chef. I started watching it when the launched it after Project Runway, and pretty much kept going with it. I was watching it before Padma was the host, and I love Gail Simmons SO MUCH. She's basically awesome in how bitchy and specific she is about the food she likes and doesn't like.

This show is pretty god awful. Again, there was only one season...maybe two (and a half?) I have no idea. All I know is that they killed off the main character because she got pissed that they showed her half naked in the pilot. Needless to say, it's the type of show you need to watch when it's storming outside. This show also makes time slow down. Literally each episode feels like about three hours, when in reality they are only one hour. It's amazing, and very British.

I would have put The O.C. on this list, in place of Gossip Girl but that show got pretty bad toward the end. This show still has a chance to not get horrible, plus any show that is the television version of Cruel Intentions is alright in my book. I also love Blair and Serena.

I started watching this show in the second season because I heard that Tricia Helfer was going to be on it. She was barely on it, and I would get sauced and wait for her to show up on screen. Needless to say, due to the sporadic reinforcement schedule (the most effective kind) I got weirdly hooked on this show and fell in love with Michael Westen and his awkwardness.

This show is AWESOME. Fox only aired four episodes, out of order and then killed it. There where enough freaks to get it released to DVD, which is when I discovered it. There are only 13 or so episodes, but it's just this surrealist romantic comedy TV show. If you need a respite from darker TV shows (like VM and BSG) this is the perfect thing. It also helps that the guy who plays Eric is super hot.

This has to be one of the best written shows ever. Amy Sherman Palladino and her husband are fucking brilliant writers. Personally, I believed this show got better and better each season, up until the Palladino's left and then it got super duper shitty. So I don't count the 7th season as cannon or even existing at all. Basically, this show had an awesome six season run, and is a show I can watch over and over again.

This is a no brainer. While I didn't love the fourth season, it was going really strong for a really long time. New Caprica was brilliant, Michael Nankin directed the majority of my favorite episodes. This is was just a really good fucking show.

I love this show more than anything. I feel. It was written awesomely, also very funny. Had some really good visual stuff going on as well. It is also the only show with my OTP. Which is Logan and Veronica. It also burned me from every properly shipping a couple EVER AGAIN. Everyone needs to watch this show. Seriously.

ALRIGHT! Well, that is it. I recommend all these shows. Let me know what you think, I could have easily made the TV list a top 20, but I wanted to keep it pure and simple.


tv: bsg, tv: gilmore girls, tv: burn notice, tv: gossip girl, tv: top chef, tv: hex, tv: wonderfalls, tv: himym, tv: flcl, tv: veroinca mars

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