I need to calm down. Currently uploading videos on YouTube...and doing this (thanks sk8!!)
I was looking through old LJ entries and I was inspired to make this quiz:
Do You Know Ginny?: Version 2.0" 7 Things Accomplished In 2006, Having Never Been Done Before (in no particular order):
7. Got a job and still going at it 6 months later
6. Cooked a meal for myself and others, with much success
5. Got practically completely over my head voice anxities and had several successful performances in TSG.
4. Got to see "The Lion King" musical for my birthday
3. Figured out what I wanted to do with the rest of my life
2. Got over the boy who broke my spirits
1. Got my nipple pierced
6 Things I Should Do Less in 2007:
6. Sleep all day
5. Not enjoy the moment
4. Get too personal too fast
3. Always assume I'm right
2. Fake orgasms and say "I love you" when I don't really mean it
1. Flake out on outings with friends, meetings, etc
5 Things I Should Do More in 2007:
5. Read more books for fun
4. Plan interesting dates with friends and significant others
3. Don't run away from relationships
2. Look to God for help
1. Keep friendships alive
4 Things I Should Say More to People and Really Mean It:
4. "Thanks for being my friend."
3. "I want to hear about your day/what's going on?"
2. "Is there any way I can help?"
1. "I love you"
3 Things I Should Say Less to People:
3. "Fuck off."
2. Talk about myself for hours
1. "Let me tell you about my boy..."
2 Things About My Personality I Should Remember (Positive/Negative):
2. I'm genuine.
1. I'm anxious.
1 Thing to Love About Myself:
1. I am passionate about others and I want to love them.