Feb 20, 2006 15:20
Sorry for that rude interuption! I have to use the computers in Medioteka but they're closed after 6pm very suddenly and from 12noon friday to 12noon monday for the weekend, so I've not had a chance to continue.
For everyone who has asked for pictures, haaaang on! I have taken some but there's only one computer in Medioteka which I can use my USB pencil on so as soon as I get around to it I will post some : )
I have rather a lot of free time at the moment to be honest, even though I am taking five classes eek! I think that it only seems that way because the homework is rather inconsequencial at the moment - I've received small amounts of reading, which for me is nothing but for non-native speakers I suppose it is more complicated. At the moment my timetable looks like...
monday 9:10-10:40 = British and Czech Realia
tuesday 12:30-2:05 = African-American Women Writers
tuesday 2:10-3:45 = Czech for Foreigners
wednesday 12:30-2:05 = Literature and the Holocaust
thursday 2:10-3:45 = California Dream
But the last class will only run for half the semester and my holocaust lit. class will have gaps in it where the teacher goes away. So really not so much time.
So at the moment I don't have so much to do with my free time, but I kind of like it that way for now! All the time at home is fine but it feels like a constant battle to entertain, and y'know, when I'm so tired I'd rather just sit and drink tea and do puzzles than make plans. I miss my personal space a little bit, but I guess at the moment we're all just finding our feet and we don't know that many people so we stick to those we do. I'm definately not saying that I dislike anyone! Tonight I think will be tiring; all weekend it has been just me and Elena in the apartment, but now everyone is back so it will be a full house of 6! But it will be nice to meet the other two girls I haven't met yet.
Yesterday I didn't go to Berlin (booooo) but I did go to Olomouc with Elena, Iza the Polish girl from downstairs and her roommate Olivia (I think, oops) who is Slovakian. And also two other Polish kids but they're a bit um odd. Olomouc is so beautiful! Perhaps even nicer than Prague, no tourists at all. We went to the museum which had a fun exhibition of old clocks and then the art gallery which was showing 17th-19th century dutch painters and a bunch of newer czech stuff; there was Mucha (of course!) some amazing aquatints that I must find out who they were by and er yeah a bunch of other cool stuff! : ) Photos soon...
There isn't really music here but I suppose that was to be expected. Having said that, I met a Polish girl named Maria who is amaaaaazing times one million; she never gets to see gigs and she barely knows anyone into the same music as her but via the power of pitchfork loves castanets, broken social scene, mogwai, sufjan stevens, etc....and she's made me a cd of polish indie rock music! : ) I am so in awe of her. And she's gorgeous too *huff* hehe. I also have a lecturer who during our introductory session to his course, California Dream, played us songs about California including Dead Kennedys and he is now hooking me up with the Czech underground punk scene in his hometown in the mountains which sounds aces. Iza has pretty good taste too, I've taken some Polish underground off her mp3 player so hopefully I have a handful of people to vent my musical spleen at now : ) As for gigs well there aren't any, although next week I've seen posters for some Rock and Roll in a Garage thing...I can't work out whether it'll be terrible and a waste of koruny, or at least an excuse to hear 50s R&R classics, dress up and go dancing. We shall see!
I haven't done the snowboarding thing yet either, I'm a little lost! I know how to get to "the mountains" but I don't know where the slopes are/where to hire/get lessons etc. My plan at the moment is to ask in one of the multitude of snowboarding shops and hopefully someone there will speak enough english to help me (my czech doesn't quite stretch to "where do I hire a snowboard?" yet but we're getting there!) It doesn't seem like I'll be stuck for extra-curricular activities in the meantime tho - on wednesday, Olivia and I are going to tai chi classes! No joke! And I'm off to the swimming pool too : )
Ooh! I have a czech mobile phone number while I'm out here too if anybody would care to text me. It is +420 776 366 362 and it only costs me about 8p to send messages to the UK : ) Also, if anybody would be so kind as to send me a letter (!) while I'm here, the address is...
Koleje a Menzy VšB-TU
ulice Dr. Malého 15 (206B)
The first person to send me more Cadbury's Creme Eggs gets some serious brownie points! I would love to get post in the morning.
Oh and the other thing...I found out today that in this part of the world the Easter Holidays are just that - holidays for Easter. So I have 3 days total off school, between 13th-17th april : ( I really hope I can come home early for my birthday but maybe I won't be able to stay for Latterman : ( I don't know what I'll do yet, but I shall keep you posted.
Laters! x x x x