A Matter of IntentAuthor:
Rating: R
Length: 7,337 words
Summary: The last horcrux has been found, but Harry must help to end it all.
Major Character Death, Angst
Notes: This fic's beginning and end (but not middle) showed up in my head some three months ago. This is incredibly bizarre for me, to be writing something for a long time like that. I'm still not entirely happy with the ending because I'm not sure it says what I mean for it to, but I've been tinkering with it forever, and I'm not sure I can make it say what I have in mind. Un-beta-read, so as ever, comments on stupid typos and the like entirely welcome.
Exerpt From Fic: He is thin. No, that's not right. He's skeletal and translucently pale, his hair dry and frayed which right there should have tipped me off as to how badly off he is. He is hunched, his shoulders drawn together forward, making his collarbones even sharper than they otherwise might be. And he is cold; when I take his cup to refill it, his fingers chill me, startling given the lingering warmth of the cup. I draw in a breath. "You've already started." It's not really a question. It's of course why he's so despairing. Whatever it is is making him this way.
What I thought: Boy, I just seem to be picking the angsty stuff today. I really enjoyed reading this because of how different it was. This really characterized the Snape that I believe in, the bastard who has been saving Harry’s life since he was eleven. The other wonderful element was the idea of charms and curses - can one spell be both depending on your intent? I won’t say more on that as really the author does it best.
This is written in first person from Harry’s POV and to me is all about respect and understanding.