Mar 14, 2010 19:02
..okay, so I really guess that looks horribly wrong, and it could mean any number of personal things... but what it actually means is that I no longer have a bruise from pingpong, and so my superhero team is no longer out of commission. Tarah, my beautiful partner in crime, was rather happy to hear about that. What does this mean to you guys? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. It was just an amusing blog title to me.
Yesterday I got a massage. Massages are happy. I don't remember anything else I did all day though. How odd. Let me ask my partner in crime what I did... she might know!
Okay, yeah, she didn't.... and I got side tracked looking up ticket prices for baseball games. -headdesk- Totally forgot I was even writing a blog!
Hmm, OH! I know!!!! I was looking up stuff for our vacation. We are (tentatively) taking vacation for our anniversary... it would be nearly 3000 miles and 9 days, but it could be fun! It would see us going to SW OH, then nashville, cocoa beach (FL), Key largo, back to cocoa beach, hilton head, ashville (NC), parkersburg (WV) and then back home. It sounds exhausting just thinking about it... and since I thought about it, I should probably look up places to lodge still. I forgot about getting back to that. -sigh-
In other news.... uh... nothing?? Changed our clocks today... went to IHOP, played DDR... nothing much. Although I am weighing in at 116.0 lbs as of this morning. Either DDR (only 3 times in the last week before today) really is working, or I am just losing weight from pure awesomeness! Heh. I'll opt to trust it's the DDR. So yeah, last Monday, Wednesday and Thursday I ddred for 30 minutes, and I did today for 30 minutes. Trying to keep it at 30 minutes 3x a week (or better). If the weather gets nicer again (like it did towards the end of last week), maybe I can talk some people into doing something outside. Last Monday I tried recruiting for this weekend. I failed miserably, and it's Sunday (early evening) and I've gotten to do nothing with anyone. Bugger. Either my friends here don't want to do stuff with me, or I simply don't have active friends. Even BOWLING would suffice! ...anyone wanna go bowling?
And something that happened today... I grabbed table tennis balls (3 star) and my husband said "you already have some." I responded "my balls are too small, I need bigger ones."