The great thing about the beer store across the way is that you never know what you'll find. Just tried a new (to me) beer from Lindemans, their Faro. Quite tasty, I think I prefer it to their Framboise which is sometimes too sweet for my tastes. The Faro has a hint of sweet, and a touch of fruit, but it's got a lovely tang in the end and an almost wine like aroma. I've not taken any actual tasting classes so apologies for the bad description. It's a good beer though.
Good news on my exchange fic: Mr. 17 is going to design a small piece of artwork to go with it (on special request from me), my regular beta is all set to do the reading, and my outline is nearly done. So, moving along well, hoping to keep it moving that way. First exchange still has me nervous. But also excited too!