I might have to buy this
print. ...I guess I can expound on my thinking on this. I'm not an advocate of living on the edge, taking unnecessary risks or anything of that nature. But I also think that its possible to be too cautious, or too restrained to the point of compromising the natural enjoyment derived from life. Anything can happen, at any time, I could stop drinking tomorrow, hit the gym for an hour every day, stop eating meat, give up microwave popcorn, live in an eco friendly mud hut off the grid, and any number of things that might theoretically increase my life span...I could also get hit by a car tomorrow, get e-coli from salad Spinach, become diagnosed with any number of unfortunate genetic factors from diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer's etc.,...Or I could spend my energy living life to its fullest, enjoying what makes me happy, even if They warn that its bad for me, because when I die, I want there to be no regrets, no feeling I lived a neutered life afraid of the unknown.