May 03, 2010 20:57
The hand... is Not Good.
The surgical glue came completely off on Friday, opening the gash back up, so Stewart bought some New Skin so that it could be at least sealed off and clean.
While I did learn several new way os swearing, due to the funktacular stinging, it really didn't help, as it had a tendency to crack and peel, leaving little shards to get into the wound and irritate.
So cue two days of pain.
Last night, I'd had enough and just peeled all the remaining New Skin gunk off and left it alone. I figured that getting some air to it would help.
Heh. Big mistake.
I woke up and could barely move my hand without wincing-it hurt clear up into my first and thumb knuckles, and down into my wrist, with a delightful puffiness.
I didn't have any choice but slather antibiotic ointment on it and bandage it in order to go to work, which is a rant unto itself right now,, with the end result of that being my hand now feels like I've dipped it into an ant's nest because of all the movement I have to make with my left hand in order to do my job.
But again, no choice in the matter.
If I go to the doctor, that's more money that I don't have (still got to figure out how to pay for the ER visit on Wednesday(, and time off of work I can't miss, or I'll lose the assignment.
I am really not happy right now.