Nov 10, 2008 11:57
I haven't really been keeping up with livejournal so much. Part of it is because I spend 8 hours each day at work on the computer, so generally stay away from it outside of work. But also because I don't have many concrete thoughts to share, nothing resembling a solidified form of what whirls arond my head from day to day. And, in general, I'd like to avoid any mess that might result from sharing those publically.
I've just spend the past few days in Cincinnati with my favorite people. It's been a blast. Last night was especially interesting. Good luck to Andy on his interview today. I should just stay here :-)
Over the last few years, I've learned to listen and consider quietly, without always outwardly sharing conclusions or thought processes. I was much more of a 'preach' kind of gal before... lways sharing new conclusions I'd come to. I'm sure I'll be working at coming to a middle ground, but for now, I just listen.