Title: When the Day Came Fandom: A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones Characters/Pairing: Arya, Sansa Rating: PG Word Count: ~1800 Summary: A 'stranger' offers Sansa three names. (Warning: This contains spoilers beyond the TV series.)
Title: Trust Fandom: Star Trek Reboot Characters/Pairing: Kirk/McCoy Rating: PG-13 Word Count: ~1600 Summary: Before there is sex, there's an introduction.
Title: Hella Bar Talk Fandom: Star Trek Reboot/Castle crossover Pairing: Kirk/McCoy, Beckett, Castle, Ryan, Esposito Rating: PG-13 Word count: 2200 Summary: A drunk, a crime novelist, and a doctor walk into a precinct... -- ( Hella Bar Talk )
Title: Magic Fingers Fandom: Star Trek Characters/Pairings: Jim, Bones, Archer's Prized Beagle Word Count: ~600 Summary: Archer's Beagle plays favorites in the commissary. -
Title: Count Them Fandom: DC Character: Jason Todd Rating: PG-13. Possibly R? Timeline: Set during Jason as Red Hood Summary: Some nights, Jason has only himself and that's when he counts them.
Title: Writing Letters Characters: Jason Todd Word Count: 3000 Summary: It's January in Gotham and Jason doesn't know what he wants. Problem is, neither does anyone else. -
Title: When Faleron Kissed Kel (AKA It's All Mandi's Fault) Pairing: Kel/Faleron Fandom: Tamora Pierce's Protector of the Small series Summary: Wherein Faleron's life is ruined, it's all Neal's fault, and Merric's written out of the succession -( When Faleron kissed Kel... )