...or as I almost typed it, "Fafnir 2101".
So today was day trip day, which for me was a band thing. We were a small group as was, and smaller when they separated the strings from the winds/percussion. Also, pretty much every girl plays flute and there are far to many flutes for such a small group (maybe 40 of us? And around 10 flutes?). But ah well.
We sightread 6 pieces and voted on 4 to play tomorrow in a mini-concert. They are:
The Walking Frog- old-timey march/rag in 2. The first few times we played through it, myself and 3 others had to just wait because there wasn't enough music for us. In fact, there was only 1 flute part copy, so lots of copies had to be made, in installments. Overwhelmingly voted down.
Cantus Jubilante- something the middle school or maybe 9th/10th band would play. If we'd had more than today to work on it, it would have proved very easy. As it was, it was hardly a challenge- a generic school band piece which was reminiscent of Swearingen (sp?) stuff. The fast section of it was fun and had a good tune; it would make a good theme for a[n adventure] game or movie. The slow part, though-- the obligatory slow part in the middle of the fast, generic school band piece-- was dreadfully dull. It sounded like someone was trying to make one of those sappy new-age hymns and was using lullabies as their basis. It would put you to sleep or make you want to gag. Or both.
POTC 3 Medley- had singing at the beginning (Hoist the Colors) which you couldn't get everyone to sing with, and was an annoying arrangement. Those points, and the fact that I preferred other pieces, made me vote "nay" on this one. It got dropped.
Marriage of Figaro Overture- lots of fun, and a piece shikuchi has played. :) Difficult to learn well in just a day, but manageable. Overtures to operas then were kind of like movie medleys now, I guess...
Danse Bachanale from Samson and Delila- awesome. Has shikuchi played this before? Anyway, I liked this piece a lot, though most of the flutes hated it. I didn't even have the worst runs or patterns, so I don't know why. But we voted to keep it! :D At times it sounds pretty similar to our last piece (not last in the concert, but last listed here), which is
Palladio- when we got this piece, the director said, "You all know this from the Zales commercial." I had not seen said commercial, but it did seem awfully familiar as I looked over it. When we all started playing, I realized why: I had heard a
techno modification of the piece, titled "Allegretto" (and sure enough, that was the tempo marking)! Great piece. Here's the
the original for comparison.