Title: It takes only a week....and a year. Part 1
Pairing: Kyusung, Mentioned Hanchul, Eunhae, Kangtuek, Simin
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I'm from Ohio...not too many hot korean idols to own or make money of off. So do you think I'm doing that with these boys?...didn't think so
Summary:Jongwoon is on his vacation from his service and meets Kyuhyun.
"Oh, what’s this? Little Genius Kyuhyun got an F? Guess you can’t say you’re smarter then us now." Jongwoon overheard some drunken guys taunting a college student. He turned back to the bartender and ordered another drink.
"So who’s the kid."
"He’s a local college student, started coming down here after you left. He’s got a bit of a tongue and well that didn’t go over too well with them, so they’re always messing with him. Usually he manages to get out of it but he hasn’t yet, which is a little weird."
"Thanks Jungsu." The bartender flashed him a dimpled smile before serving other customers. He turned his attention back to the kid again, feeling the need to keep an eye on them.
"So the cocky brat doesn’t have anything to say tonight, huh? Well how about we move this chat elsewhere and make sure he remembers to stay this way." The apparent leader of the thugs grabbed the scruff of Kyuhyun’s shirt and led him outside, the rest of the group following behind.
"Jungsu, remind me to pay you tomorrow and put anything the kid hasn’t paid for on my bill. I’ll see you tomorrow."
"Jongwoon?" Jungsu tried to stop the younger but it was too late, he was already out the door. There weren’t any alleys surrounding the bar and the group had already disappeared by the time Jongwoon made it out. Though since the street was very quiet, it wasn’t hard for Jongwoon to pick up on some noise from further up the block. Decided it was his best lead, Jongwoon quickly headed up the street and saw the silhouette of a man in an alleyway. He moved as quietly as he could, thankful for his days as a street punk and current military training, and sneaked up on the man standing guard and pulled him away. Before the drunken man could say anything, Jongwoon punched him square in the face. Thankfully because of the high levels of alcohol, that’s all it took to knock the guy out. As he rounded the corner to the alley, he found the rest of the drunks beating up the kid. It didn’t take long for them to notice that their lookout had been replaced by a smaller man and stopped their beating to face Jongwoon.
"You come to help Kyuhyun? You should’ve just stayed at the bar, little man." The men started cracking their knuckles, trying to look tough as they approached Jongwoon. The closest man aimed a punch at him but Jongwoon grabbed his hand instead and landed his own punch to the man’s abdomen before swinging him into one of the others, crashing them into the wall. The next drunk managed to land a punch to Jongwoon’s side, but he held his ground and grabbed the other and pivoted his foot just right to shift his weight and flip the larger man over him and onto the hard ground. The next couple of guys go down just as easily and Jongwoon was left facing their leader.
"You have the option to either leave, or turn out like your buddies there." The leader stood his ground and Jongwoon smirked. He rushed up and punched the man a couple times in the abdomen and the man staggered and turned away from Jongwoon. He grabbed the back of the leader’s collar and pulled him so he was bending backwards. "Can’t say I didn’t warn you." He smirked again before hitting the man in the chest and letting him hit the cold ground. Since now all the drunken men are unconscious, Jongwoon walked over to the kid who was still somewhat awake, lying on the cold ground. He carefully lifted the younger up and onto his back and carried him back to his apartment. When he made it up to his apartment he fumbled to get his keys out of his pocket and was apparently making more noise then he thought.
"Jongwoon, what the hell are you doing?" His neighbor Heechul asked.
"What does it look like? I’m trying to get into my apartment."
"Fine, but who is the kid?"
"A college student." Heechul raised his eyebrow. "Don’t give me that look. I just saved his ass and I wasn’t going to leave him in an alleyway down the street from Jungsu’s."
"Oh I didn’t know you were so nice Jongwoon. The military must be changing you. Before you left you wouldn't have even saved the kids ass."
"Will you actually be useful and help me get this damn door open or are you just going to continue explaining how my actions are out of the ordinary? And well if you take the second choice then at least call Hangeng out here, he’ll be helpful."
"He’s sleeping. He has to get up early for work." Heechul mumbled some other stuff that Jongwoon couldn’t understand as he picked up the keys Jongwoon had dropped and unlocked the door.
"Thank you." He said as he pushed passed the older and carefully went to sent the youngest down on the couch. Heechul had followed him in and looked at the kid after Jongwoon headed for the kitchen.
"Wow, he is pretty messed up. You sure you didn’t do this?"
"Heechul I don’t randomly beat people up. And I definitely wouldn’t bring my victim back to my house."
"Well he looks like he’s pretty cute once you get past the blood."
"Hyung, I am not you." He said as he came back to the living room with a washcloth and bucket of water.
"What you didn’t get me anything to drink?"
"There’s coffee brewing in the kitchen right now and beer in the fridge. Help yourself to either."
"If you don’t drink, why do you keep beer in the fridge?"
"Because I know if you’re over you’ll complain about not having a drink, or having to go back to your apartment to get a drink. If you don’t finish it by the time I go back, take it to your apartment."
"And any other food?"
"I’ll think about it. Someone else might be more worthy of it."
"Yah!" Jongwoon laughed a little and he dabbed the damp washcloth on the youngest’s face.
"Hey, can you grab the kit from the bathroom? He’s still bleeding on his temple." The oldest sighed but got up and retrieved the kit anyways, stopping to grab a beer from the fridge on the way back. "Thanks. One last thing, could you grab something of Geng’s for him to wear?"
"What? Why?"
"Because you can’t expect me to leave him in his bloody and tattered clothes, and my clothes wouldn’t fit him. Hangeng’s might be a little big but that’s better then what he has."
"Seriously, why are you being so nice?"
"I just am. If you’re not going to be useful then leave." Heechul grumbled and motioned to hit the younger but instead angrily walked out of the apartment. Jongwoon sighed but carefully continued to clean up all the blood and bandage any open wound he could find. Heechul was right though, the kid was kinda cute once all the blood was cleared away. A few minutes later, Jongwoon had finished washing away all the blood and was certain all the still bleeding wounds were now bandage, when Heechul came back.
"Here. Hope you’re happy. I ended up waking Hannie while getting a pair of his clothes. Though for some reason, he doesn’t find it strange that you’re helping this guy."
"Thanks. That’s cause he’s smarter then you."
"Yah. If he was smarter then me, then he would see how weird this is for you."
"Nah, I’ll stick with my opinion." Jongwoon convinced Heechul to help him hold the boy up as he put the new shirt on him, making sure he didn’t irritate any of the other cuts or bruises. After putting on the pants, Jongwoon went to grab a spare blanket and pillow and tried to make the kid as comfortable as he could. Heechul made him grab another beer when he went to grab a cup of coffee from the kitchen. "So why did you come back?"
"I didn’t feel like getting lectured by Hannie when he found out I didn’t." This time Jongwoon raised an eyebrow at the older. "What? I know you would’ve gone to him in the morning before he went to work and then mentioned that you asked me but I refused and then he would go on to pester me about why I couldn’t just help you."
"He would have a point, you know. Though I guess that’s probably the real reason, huh? You didn’t want to be told you were wrong when you know it and then feel guilty and have your boyfriend mad at you."
"Oh shut up."
"Now I must ask, why are you still here?"
"I’m not sleeping anyway, so why stay there and bug Hangeng by being awake, when I can bug you, since you are awake."
"And how did I not see that coming?"
"Cause you’re an idiot." Jongwoon glared at the older as he took a sip form his coffee. "Do you know why they were beating on the kid?"
"Jungsu said the kid was a bit of a smart ass, or rather implied it. So he’s like you and I guess that’s gotten him in trouble with them multiple times."
"Hey, my smart-assness does not get me in trouble."
"Sure if that’s what you call it. Just cause Hangeng and I step in and save you, does not mean you don’t get in trouble."
"I don’t recall it ever being like that."
"Yeah well that’s how it usually is." Heechul scoffed but before he could say anything they heard a groan from the couch. Both froze and waited to see if the boy woke up. Jongwoon sighed when the youngest stayed asleep but turned his attention to Heechul. "Hey, go home. I’m going to head to bed. You can come back when Hangeng goes to work."
"What are you going to do if the kid wakes up while you’re sleeping?"
"I’ll probably hear him get up so it doesn’t matter. Good night, Heechul. Lock the door on your way out." Jongwoon said as he headed back to his room. Jongwoon woke up a couple hours later to hearing someone move around in the living room. He walked out to find the boy walking around, obviously confused. "Hey, it’s Kyuhyun, right? That’s what those drunk guys called you anyways."
"Uh, yeah. Where am I?"
"I didn’t know where you lived so I just brought you back to my apartment and treated your injuries."
"You’re that guy. The one who fought all of Seung Hyun’s guys?"
"So that’s Seung Hyun? Hmm, he doesn’t live up to his rumors. How are you feeling?"
"Sore. Whose clothes are these?"
"My neighbor’s. Mine wouldn’t fit you and your clothes were rather tattered so I asked his boyfriend. And looking at the time, said boyfriend will be back in about an hour and a half. Go back to sleep while you can, he’ll be loud when he arrives." He started to go back to his room but paused. "Oh I’m Jongwoon by the way."
"JONGWOON! Wake up and let me in! Why did I even lock this door when I knew you would be sleeping."
"Would that be said boyfriend you mentioned earlier?" Kyuhyun asked once Jongwoon walked in.
"Yup. Loud and annoying even at seven in the morning."
"Hold on you damn cat. And shut the hell up, some people are still trying to sleep." He said as he opened the door. "Hi Hangeng."
"Hey Jongwoon. Are the clothes good?"
"Yeah, they work. Thanks."
"Sure, hey I have to leave. Sorry about him." He said pointing to the oldest before giving him a peck on the lips and leaving for work.
"Now I feel like I’m babysitting you."
"I don’t need to be babysat. Just kept amused." Jongwoon rolled his eyes but let Heechul in anyways.
"Kyuhyun meet Heechul. Heechul this is Kyuhyun."
"Nice to know. I’m hungry. Jongwoon make breakfast."
"Didn’t Hangeng make you breakfast?"
"No…he didn’t have time. He stayed in bed too long."
"And you had absolutely nothing to do with it."
"Only part of it, he decided to stay." Jongwoon rolled his eyes but headed into the kitchen to make breakfast anyways. Heechul took the time to study the now awake Kyuhyun. "Hmm, those clothes definitely look better on my Hannie."
"Well at least I can wear them and not look like I borrowed something from my boyfriend."
"At least I got one."
"Doesn’t matter, I just know I can actually be the man in a relationship. Throw a skirt on you and no one would know the difference."
"Even so, I don’t get beaten up at two in the morning."
"At least I can still look good even after being beaten."
"Will you two be quiet. I should’ve known better then to leave someone I personally know to be a smart-ass alone with someone I’ve been told is a smart-ass."
"Who told you that?"
"Jungsu. Now no more arguing while I make breakfast."
"So we can continue after breakfast?" Heechul asked. Jongwoon glared at him and was about to retort when the phone rang.
"Shut up and answer the phone."
"But it’s your house."
"I’m busy making breakfast for all of us so you can answer the phone."
"Fine. Yoboseyo?"
"Hey Donghae."
"You’re at Jongwoon’s? We heard he was back and wanted to visit."
"Yeah he’s back. Come on over. Who all is with you?"
"Hyukjae, Kibum and Sungmin."
"Sungmin? I thought he had plans with Siwon today."
"He does but they’re not till later. He said he wanted to see Jongwoon first and Siwon can just pick in up over there and see Jongwoon too."
"Oh. Well yeah come on over. Front door is unlocked."
"Ok, see you soon." Kyuhyun raised an eyebrow as Heechul hung up the phone.
"Are you allowed to just invite people over without Jongwoon’s permission?"
"They just wanted to know if he was here. And well they’re our friends so yeah I think I am."
"What did you do?" Jongwoon asked.
"Told Donghae, Hyukjae, Kibum, and Sungmin they could come over and visit."
"I’ve been here for two days and haven’t seen them yet. So I can’t say I’m surprised. Are they coming over now?"
"Yeah, I guess. Is breakfast done?"
"Yes. Seriously I think you’re worse then Shindong or Hyukjae sometimes. Or is it just the alcohol talking?"
"Since when does alcohol make you hungry?"
"I don’t know. Just go eat. And go easy on the beer, you finish that before I leave, I’m not buying more!" Jongwoon shouted as the other ran off to the kitchen. "There’s more then just Heechul’s plate. You can go and eat too."
"I think I’m alright."
"Okay I know I said that where you seem to have an option but you really don’t. Go eat." Kyuhyun stared up at the older and realized he was serious so sighed and walked towards the kitchen, which was pretty easy for him to find. Heechul was already half done with his plate and had a cup of coffee with it.
"Do you drink coffee?"
"Mugs are in the cabinet above the coffee maker and milk is in the fridge and sugar is down in the corner cabinet."
"Thanks." Kyuhyun grabbed a mug and made his coffee before sitting across from Heechul and nibbling on his breakfast.
"Don’t like it? Sure he’s not the best cook but he at least gets a passing grade."
"It’s not that, I just don’t normally eat breakfast."
"He won’t be happy if you don’t eat it. Where is he anyways?" Heechul was about to get up and look for the other, when Jongwoon walked in. "There you are."
"Hangeng sent me a text and then Youngwoon called me. Do you have your phone?" Heechul paused then checked his pockets for his phone.
"No. What did Hannie want?"
"He said he didn’t get a reply from you so told me to tell you that he’s going to be working later then planned."
"Alright. I’ll grab my phone once I finish. And Youngwoon?"
"He was reminding me that I still owe Jungsu for last night. Also that they’re coming over a little later once Jungsu gets up."
"Youngwoon was up before Jungsu? That’s surprising."
"He said he had to run some errands. I don’t know anything other then that." Jongwoon decided to reheat his breakfast before eating. "Oh Chul, you remember that kid a few years ago who was trying to make a name of himself? Tried to challenge us for the area."
"Yeah, T.O.P or whatever he wanted to call himself. Why?"
"Apparently he’s the one who decided to hit Kyuhyun here. I recognized the name from some rumors that started going around a little bit before I left and then when I got back here. But I didn’t realize it was T.O.P at first since he’s now using his real name."
"Wait, the kid who was trying to get at us a few years ago came back and is trying again with his real name? Did he know it was you last night?"
"Don’t think so. Maybe the pain he’s feeling now will remind him. Even if we’re not an active group anymore, doesn’t mean kids can just walk into our territory. Hopefully he’ll remember his place now."
"If not, you’ll just pound him again. Well you’re going back to your service in a few days, so what are you going to do about that?"
"Tell Youngwoon, he obviously likes to hang out at Jungsu’s, so Youngwoon can keep an eye on him."
"What are you guys talking about?" Kyuhyun intervened.
"The guy who kicked your ass last night, tried to rival the gang we had up until about three years ago when Jungsu and I left for our military service and then Jongwoon left last year and is on break right now. And although our gang is technically not a gang anymore, though we’re still a close group, we still hold order here."
"So what makes T.O.P want to go after you?"
"I mocked him and have a better wit then he does. And well he doesn’t like that."
"See, being cocky gets your ass kicked." Jongwoon pointed out to Heechul, which earned him a glare.
"Yeah well normally being cocky pisses him off but keeps the fists away."
"So what was different last night?"
"Does it have anything to do with this?" Jongwoon asked passing Kyuhyun a paper. "I grabbed it from where you were sitting before I saved you."
"What is it?" Heechul asked trying to look over the table.
"My exam. I completely failed it."
"So? I failed tests all the time in college."
"Well this one was worth most of my grade in that class. And well that class was extremely important for my major. I can’t even believe I failed it. I was getting an ‘A’ in it otherwise. And not just a regular A but a perfect A. I had a perfect score in the class so how did I fail the test?"
"Did the professor make a mistake? Maybe mark the wrong grade? Have you talked to them about it?" Jongwoon asked the boy who was about ready to punch a wall.
"Uhhhh…no." Kyuhyun stopped and just looked at the older like he was crazy.
"Don’t give me that. Seriously you can talk to your professor and see what they can do about it or see if something went wrong when grading your paper."
"Dude you got your ass kicked because your brain froze from a bad grade. I wouldn’t give him any lip."
"Oh yeah, Chul. The other crazy thing last night with T.O.P, he fricken called me a little man. I mean the hell, I am not little." He paused when the two both raised their eyebrows. "I’m two centimeters shorter then you both but that doesn’t make me short, especially when T.O.P there is basically the same height as me."
"Maybe it cause you have a big head and yet really small hands, and so you’re body is all disproportional and makes you look smaller." Jongwoon glared at his hyung and right when the older was about to take another bite of his second plate of breakfast, Jongwoon took the plate.
"That’s it. No more food for you."
"What!" Heechul slammed his chopsticks down on the table as he forcefully stood up. "Give me my plate back, Jongwoon." He said in a dark voice.
"Like I’m scared of you."
"Heechul you can have mine. I don’t think I’m going to eat any more of it." Kyuhyun offered. Right when Heechul was about to take the plate, Jongwoon snatched that one away from him as well. Heechul moved to take from Jongwoon’s plate but found it already empty.
"What? Seriously? How can you be so cruel to your hyung?"
"By growing up with you and being completely used to everything you do." Heechul was about to retort when they heard the apartment door open followed by shouting.
"Kitchen. I’m starving Heechul so be weary."
"Bye Jongwoon! It was nice visiting you." Three of the four said before they made it to the kitchen.
"Hey." Kibum said, the only one brave enough to enter the kitchen.
"Did they seriously leave?" Heechul asked, still glaring at Jongwoon. Kibum peeked back into the living room and saw the three hiding.
"No, they're just hiding."
"Guys just get in here. Seriously, who would believe you used to be in one of the toughest street gang when you act like that?"
"But Jongwoon, Heechul is scary when pissed off."
"And so are you, Minnie."
"Really? Everyone is afraid of him?" Kyuhyun asks, pointing at Heechul.
"He looks like nothing but that just makes him worse cause then you underestimate him."
"He’s not as strong as like Jongwoon is, but he knows how to make someone disappear in the middle of the night." Donghae added to Hyukjae’s statement.
"Uh guys?" Everyone stopped talking and looked at Kibum. "Who’s this?" He asked pointing at Kyuhyun.
"Kyuhyun." Jongwoon answers simply.
"He’s a kid Jongwoon saved from getting pummeled last night by T.O.P." Heechul finished explaining.
"T.O.P is back? I thought we got rid of him a few years ago."
"So did I until he decided to pick on Kyuhyun."
"We’re not officially entering the gang scene again, are we?" Hyukjae asked.
"No, we’re not. We still watch our area though and keep those who wish to take over out."
"Good, I really don’t want to be working with the gang full time again. It’s too tiring to do all the work and it leaves no time for dancing."
"We know. That’s one of the reasons we stepped down."
"I’ll be right back." Heechul said standing up and walking out of the apartment.
"Where is he going?" Kibum asked.
"Probably to get his phone. He forgot it when he came over earlier." All of a sudden there were three knocks on the wall and Jongwoon sighed. "Kibum will you go see what’s wrong?" Kibum just nodded and went over to Heechul’s apartment.
"What’s that?"
"Heechul knocks three times on the wall if he needs something from me or help and Hannie isn’t home." The other four in the room all went "Oh" at the explanation.
"Ah, Jongwoon, we were planning on having a little party at Jungsu’s tonight. Just to kind of celebrate your break, and that you’ve made it half way through your service."
"Do Jungsu and Youngwoon know about this plan?"
"…No… We haven’t had the chance to tell them yet."
"Well I guess they’re coming over a little later, you can tell them then. Also has anyone heard anything from Ryeowook? Usually he’s the first one to know when I have a day off and to see me."
"He has school. Both Henry and him have a busy school schedule this semester. But I know everyone will be free tonight. Hyukjae and Donghae have been texting everyone to see when they would be able to get together this week while we have you." Jongwoon just nodded in understanding and cleaned up the kitchen before Kibum and Heechul walked back in.
"You know, it's a little crowded in my little kitchen, how about moving to the living room?" They all just stared at Jongwoon and shrugged before moving to the bigger room. Donghae and Hyukjae turned on the TV as soon as they entered while everyone else just found somewhere to sit. They spent the next couple of hours just watching some TV and talking, making sure to leave the big questions they all had for Jongwoon, until that night when the group would be together. Siwon’s arrival finally brought everyone out of the quiet TV watching.
"Hey, hyung. It’s good to see you again."
"Hi Siwon. So you and Sungmin officially got together while I was away?"
"Yeah. We didn’t aim for it to happen that way."
"Haha I know. You’ll be joining us tonight, right?"
"Of course, everyone will be there. I wouldn’t miss it for anything." Siwon laughed and Sungmin finally met them both at the door.
"Sorry, Hyukjae wanted to tell me something first. Ready?"
"Yeah, let’s go. See you tonight hyung."
"Bye guys." Jongwoon waved by as they walked down the hall and then closed the door and headed back to everyone else in the living room.
"So what are we doing?" Heechul asks.
"I don’t know. I didn’t really have plans. I was texting Youngwoon and he and Jungsu decided not to come over since everyone is going there tonight."
"We should go out for lunch." Donghae suggested and the others all agreed.
"I guess." Heechul jumped up and ran off to his house, Kibum in tow, saying that he was going to change and grab some stuff. "Did you want to join us? Though you should probably head home too."
"Yeah, I think I’ll pass and get back and change into some of my own clothes. What should I do with these?" Kyuhyun asked, tugging at the borrowed clothes.
"Wash them and drop them off at the apartment. Though I am not going to be around for long. I go back to my service on Monday. If you can’t get them back to me, just drop them off at Heechul’s, since they’re Hangeng’s anyway."
"Alright. I will."
"Okay, well I think I should go before they get impatient. Make sure you lock the door on your way out. Make sure you don’t get yourself beaten up again, I might not be around to save you again." Jongwoon waved bye as he followed the impatient couple out the door to meet the other two. Only a few minutes later, Kyuhyun left himself after cleaning up the area around the couch and grabbing the bag Jongwoon packed his clothes in.
"You guys go ahead, Heechul and I are stopping off at our apartments to change and pick up Hangeng." Jongwoon told the other three as he and Heechul head toward home.
"Okay, don't take too long." Donghae shouted back.
"You sent Kyuhyun away?" Heechul asked once they were away from the others.
"I said he could join us but I also suggested he get home. Someone is probably worried about him."
"I don't know about that. He didn't seem like he was worried about someone missing him. And he didn't say anything about his parents being upset about his grade, just him."
"Well someone is probably worried, whether he knows it or not."
"We didn’t, so why would it be so strange for him to not have anyone either?"
"I just like to believe that most people aren’t like us." Jongwoon said before he walked into his apartment and closed the door.
"Be out in ten or else they’ll get impatient." Heechul shouted afterwards and headed inside as well. Ten minutes later, Heechul and Hangeng were standing outside Jongwoon’s door waiting for him. "I told you ten minutes, Jongwoon."
"Hold on! I’m looking for something. The door should be unlocked." Heechul sighed but walked into the apartment, Hangeng following.
"What are you looking for?"
"My spare key."
"Why do you need it now?"
"Because Wookie told me he lost his copy and so I was going to give him the spare I had."
"Look for it later. He can wait, you have a few days still. You can go make another if you need to tomorrow."
"I guess. But I swear I had it yesterday." Jongwoon sighed and grabbed his jacket, wallet, and keys before following the other two to Jungsu’s bar. Most of the group was there when they arrived but Zhoumi, Henry, and Ryeowook. Jungsu was still behind the bar, serving drinks to the other customers while Youngwoon was sitting with the rest of the group.
"Hey Jungsu, you going to work the entire time we’re here?" Heechul asks.
"No. Jea and Miryo will be here soon to work."
"I thought Narsha was coming in." Youngwoon said, confused at the change in workers.
"She was but she got the flu so Jea is coming instead."
"Oh, why didn’t I hear about this?"
"Because you decided not to pay attention when I told you. Anyone know where the other three are?"
"Wookie says that they’ll be here in about fifteen minutes. Henry got held back in class to help out on something and they just left campus."
"Okay. Heechul, Han, Jongwoon just the usual?" All Jungsu received were nods as they took one of the couches to sit on. Jea, Miryo, Ryeowook, Zhoumi, and Henry all walked in at the same time and Jungsu took a minute to make the three boys’ drinks before passing over the bar to Jea and Miryo and taking a seat by Youngwoon.
"I heard you picked up a boy last night, Woonie hyung."
"I didn’t pick up a boy. I saved a guy last night and he stayed over last night since I didn’t have a better place to take him."
"Jong, that’s practically the same thing in our group."
"Shut up Youngwoon. But no Wookie, I didn’t "pick up" a guy last night." He said making quotations around ‘pick up’.
"Well you should find someone."
"Do you just not like me being single since that means I’m available even though we broke up a year and a half ago?"
"No. It was a mutual break up so why would that matter. You’re just a grump." Ryeowook stuck his tongue out at the older and Jongwoon retorted by touching his philtrum and making him jump back.
"I am not." He fought back but stopped when he saw Seung Hyun and his group walking into the bar. "I thought it was a general rule that you stay hidden for a few days after getting your ass kicked." Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked over towards Seung Hyun, a couple confused as to what was going on.
"Wait, is that T.O.P?" Zhoumi asks.
"Yeah. He’s the one who attacked Kyuhyun last night. I guess he decided that since his wounds weren’t visible he would show up."
"Oh. Is he trying to take the area again?"
"I don’t know but he’s causing some problems but picking on people. Even if we’re not active, we need to keep the area safe." Jungsu added. "As long as he drinks here, we can keep an eye on him. But you better be careful Jongwoon, he’s sending glares your way." Jongwoon just shrugged at the thought, not even bothering to look back at T.O.P.
"Doesn’t matter. I can handle myself."
"I’ll be right back. I need Miryo to make me another drink." Heechul said.
"What? You’re not making Hannie go fetch for you?"
"Oh Shush. I don’t need him to do everything." Once Heechul walked away, Kyuhyun popped out of nowhere and sat on the couch between Jongwoon and Hangeng.
"Where did you come from?"
"I walked in a bit ago and just got a drink when I saw Heechul walk over and decided to find you guys."
"Dork. You know you took Heechul’s seat. By the way, that’s my neighbor Hangeng."
"Oh, so this is the neighbor, the boyfriend’s boyfriend."
"Yeah. Him."
"Hi, I’m Kyuhyun." Kyuhyun said holding out his hand for Hangeng to shake. Hangeng gave him a soft smile and shook his hand.
"Also this is the rest of the gang." Jongwoon introduced the rest of the members to Kyuhyun.
"What are you doing?"
"Sitting." Kyuhyun answers Heechul, not caring that Heechul sounds annoyed.
"Well that’s my spot."
"Well I decided to take it. Sit on your boyfriend." Kyuhyun says and Jongwoon sighs but surprisingly enough Heechul takes Kyuhyun’s suggestion and sits on Hangeng’s lap for the rest of the evening. When it was time to leave, most of the member’s were drunk except Sungmin, Jongwoon, and Hangeng. Jongwoon sighed and decided to take Kyuhyun back to his apartment again and walked with Hangeng, giving the drunken boys piggyback rides home.
A/N: This is really long and I'm not finished with it so I split it and made it two parts so I could post it for Kyusung day^^Part two will be up in a few days once I finish it.The prompt was giving to me by a friend and I've been just typing away at it and making it longer and longer. haha^^
What do you think? Comment please^^