Advent's Calendar: December 17

Feb 28, 2013 17:14

Fandom: Spiral
Rating: PG (mostly)
Request: Kousuke/Eyes (or the opposite), post-manga: this is not at all what was supposed to happen, but Kousuke is still doing it.
For: Aza
Notes: Implied post-game spoilers. Implied physical abuse that I have difficulty considering abuse in the BlaChil frame of reference. Not-so-implied (but not graphic (yet)) kink.

A part of him wonders, "why do I even try?
Eyes isn't exactly the man he used to be. Or the boy he used to be. Whatever. Kousuke figures, if you've loved, killed, betrayed and been betrayed and forgiven and made your own fortune with your talent and looks and gathered a rabid following of both genders, then you've got more life experience than most adults he's ever come across.
(Does being abused by the girl you still hate yourself too much to date count?)
Eyes is still Eyes, of course. He still has that flawless hair and those eyes that can run a man through with intensity or emptiness. He still has fingers that entrance the world, with their music, with their touch. He has that aura of not-quite-there--but it used to be because he couldn't quite be bothered to notice the world unde him.
These days he can't touch the world with his fingers even if he grasps for it. So, over time, he stop trying.
And Kousuke hates that. He's tired of losing, especially when those of them who are left haven't exploded into murderous time bombs yet. And he can't help it--he hates that empty look in his eyes, because if he's perfectly honest with himself, he's a bit of a masochist, and also a bit of a pervert who keeps falling in love with his half-siblings' carnage. And Eyes used to have the most beautiful look in his eyes when he had to take down someone and wanted to take care of it without too much time but still wouldn't give up the chance to enjoy it a little.
So Kousuke does what he does best. He stalks and rants and takes up noisy, cranky space.
He gets into Eyes's space, drags him to movies and restaurants even though his staff could order something way fancier, goes to his concerts even though he can tell that what he's gained in melancholy weeping chords he's lost in flame, sits in his apartment to rant about Ryouko or Rio, anything to wake him up, get a reaction, something that isn't beautiful, graceful, uncalculated lost nonchallence.
What he really does best, though (apparently), is getting people mad at him enough that they throw things at him or drop kick him, or--in this case--shove and pin him against a wall with eyes that are finally awake and burning and a knife to his throat and a muttered hiss of "Kousuke if you don't shut up this instant, God help me I will--"
"Do it."

(useless trivia: I saved this under "kousuke's life sucks" and then was surprised that the name wasn't already taken)

fic, advent's calendar, spiral

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