Aug 01, 2005 00:05
Sooooo Today was Greatttt. I love Church and Everybody that was there today. Like laura.. Collin.. Jessica.. Mitch.. Julia.. Jeff.. P. Luke.. Stacy.. OH YEAH AND TRAVIS (wayne)! HAHA. Anyways.. So Church. It was aweeeesome. Worship was amazing.
Taco Bell -- Played Shotgun game with my dad. He's got a pretty hot Boyfriend if I do say so. HAHA. It was this guy wearing a red shirt with a dragon on the back.. and it was unbuttoned.. and then he was wearing a bathing suit. Oh Man. It was funny. Then we watched Kobayoshi kick the crap out of everyone in eating competitions. They call professional eaters "Athletes"
Church again.. I just wanted to leave because I felt like my opinion was soooooo different from everyone else and they were going to like kill me. I just wanted to stay quiet the whole time. BUT I DID GET TO MARRY "WAYNE" haha. Then went to taco bell with weffy and went to PL and S's.
Highlights of my day:
- Georgia called me beautiful.. weffy agreed.
- Marrying Wayne
- "I STOLE A NICE KIDS CANDY!" and crying because of it.
- "It's not my fault you're not in the family anymore" -- "YOU DID NOT NEED TO SAY THAT!!" which led to much crying and anthony holding me for like 20 minutes.
- "Don't Mind me" Wayne walked around playing the guitar while me and anthony talked.
- "I would date him if I was older"
- Taking ggrrrrreat pictures of me and Julia on Travis' camera
- "I'm getting this phone" says Julia. While she is holding his camera. HAAAA
Just because I can't love you doesn't mean I don't.