Jan 03, 2012 14:49
I didn't hate S06. It had a lot of tragic Dean/Cas miscommunication stuff I approved of in the end and I genuinely liked Castiel's development (what we saw of it).
But you know what?
Re-watching it is one of the most depressing things ever. Because unlike with all the other seasons, where a re-watch makes me appreciate stuff I missed and often gets me liking episodes I might not have been fond of before by making me see the good things in the duff episodes, re-watching S06 ALL I can see are the mistakes and it kills me :(
Caged Heat for example, which I'm on now? I really liked this episode the first time round, but watching it now KNOWING Cas was working with Crowley throughout it's just not as good. All you're doing is thinking all the time - 'Why is Cas bothering to influtrate Crowley's HQ, putting the boys in danger, when he KNOWS Crowley can't help them get Sam's soul back? Did he and Crowley plan the burning the bones thing or did Cas think it up on the fly? Did Cas know Samuel was gonna banish him inside? Did he know Crowley was gonna try and kill the boys after? Is Cas putting on an act through the whole infultration or is he just following the boys because he can't think of anything else to do?'
There's just too many questions like that, too many things that don't quite make sense.
I like the IDEAS in S06, but the more I look into it the more it feels like they wrote themselves into a corner and threw Cas (and Crowley) in at the end as masterminds because it was the easiest way they could think to tie everything together. In any case, there's no doubt in my mind anymore that the writing hasn't been as good since Kripke left.
God, I NEED TO KNOW if Cas and Crowley's deal and plan for Purgatory was intended from the start or not, it's REALLY REALLY bugging me!
spn: review,
spn: meta