So, Rock Band...

Jan 27, 2009 13:11

I has it. Chris randomly bought it the other day, and was playing it on and off while I played WoW (both my characters and his shadow priest). His struggle with drum beats prompted me to pick it up and play too!

Okay, the drum section is a little more involved than I thought it was, but I still dig it. I took to the drums much easier than I did the guitar, though the whole "bang drums with sticks OH SHIT THERE'S A FOOT PEDAL TOO" sort of throws me off a bit. But the "press buttons at the right time WHILE strumming at the right time" of the guitar is something I can't get my head around at all. I'm a guitar-hero retard.

But, yeah, I love music, and I can keep a cadence pretty damn good, so.... Rock Band may indeed be a suitable alternative for WoW (when I'm bored in WoW, of course..)
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