... I think it's about time to make it all pretty and nice to look at. It will probably take me three years to do so but it's the thought that counts, right? Right.
So I'll try to come up with a nice design today. EDIT: Just found this in the themes gallery and since it kinda fits my OC universe, I chose it. But one day, folks, I'll do some crap on my own. For sure.
I'll also use this afternoon for making some nice userpics for myself and making up tags and shit. I might draw some crap, too.
And, on a random note, I must admit that, as much as I like being around DeviantArt, it's nice to have a place more... private. :D Hurrhurr.
Off, shopping clothes now. I don't have money for that but MY GOD. Where's the fun if I only did what I can actually afford doing?
EDIT: Also, I just realized that I'm proud owner of a paid LJ-account now because of
silverhelme ! :D Once again, my love, you have proven that you're one of the most amazing people walking on earth. <3 I don't even deserve that, THANK YOU SOOOOOOOO MUCH! <333