As well as
silverhelme , I've decided to use this thing here more often!
Normally, I screw New Year Resolutions because they never work for me. Still think they don't. But I want changes. SO BAD.
I wanna go to the UK and live there, I wanna earn money and I wanna live a happy life. I 'd love to do my own thing. Dunno. Write a book, draw a webcomic, make an art book. Some sort of that shit.
I want things to happen to me that are NOT deaths in the family or getting rejected from every company I applied to or being screwed by people or whatever that's complete and utter shit. I'm so sick of my bad luck!
I want all of the good things now.
And 2010 has proven to me that there IS happiness out there. I've met wonderful people in wonderful places. I'ven been out and about several times. I've lost weight like WHOA and I'm still motivated to loose more now that I found out how to do it. It has proven to me that I can improve in any matter.
So, 2011, I see no reason why you couldn't be the year for me. The year everything changes. The year I'm finally happy again after such a long time.
I'll start working on it as soon as my hangover fades. ;D