I'm still not even halfway through the Yuletide archive. At this rate, I'll be posting my 2015 writing meme in, oh, February. Anyway, have a reveals post! For Yuletide, I wrote:
The Thrill of the Rush (Serial Killer - Lana Del Rey (Song), OFC/OFC, 5192 words) - My assignment! I got the e-mail right around Halloween, the perfect time to write about Hollywood lesbian serial killers. I finished it on 11/1, the earliest I've ever done anything for an exchange. Of course, then I let the story sit in editing hell until mid-December.
French Canadian Toast (Check Please!, Jack/Bitty, 7399 words) - I picked up a pinch hit for someone who mentioned enjoying recipes in CP! fic. Naturally, I wrote a fic in which Bitty comes up with recipes from Smitten Kitchen based on his teammates. Writing this made me feel so warm... and so hungry...
Christmas Rapping (Hamilton, Theodosia/Philip, 15096 words) - Or: Theodosia and Philip fall in love over Mary Wollstonecraft! OR: THE TREAT THAT WOULD NOT END. Seriously, I finished this while on the bus to my parents', making typos every time the bus went over a bump. I was nervous about adopting a vaguely period-appropriate writing style, but I just kept repeating, "Racebent romance novel!" and everything turned out for the best. Who spotted the In the Heights shoutout?
Shut Up and Skate With Me (Check Please!, Lardo/Shitty, 4213 words) - An ice skating lesson in the middle of last year's totally bananas winter. The Haus does throw a party called The Snow Is Too Damn High. Oh man, I can't believe I squeaked this in before the archive closed! It almost didn't make it, but then I realized that two of the scenes I had planned were totally unnecessary. Hooray for expressing my love for these characters' dumb faces. ♥
Feel free to ask me questions about these! Throughout NaNoWriMo, I kept joking to
fahye that everyone would get cognitive whiplash from my dark, twisted assignment vs. my sweet, fluffy treats. To which I say: listen, I grew up reading CLAMP manga.
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