The time of
REMIX is upon us! Hail Remix! I'm going to take ficlet prompts even in big fandoms I already qualify for, just to give my potential remixer something new. I have a crapton of work to do and awesome prompts will motivate me to finish!
Fandoms, alphabetically: Agent Carter, Brooklyn 99, Glee, Les Miserables, Marvel Cinematic Universe (including Age of Ultron), Veronica Mars, X-Men films
I reserve the right to gen-ify pairings I don't ship, but I'm about 35k behind on my GYWO 2015 pledge. Your prompt stands a good chance of being filled! (Also, if a prompt you left 2 months ago gets filled this weekend, that's why.)
P.S. If you have a really great prompt for a fandom you know I love and it's not on the list, LEAVE IT ANYWAY. |
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