Woke up today feeling like I had the flu. Thank you, DayQuil, for allowing me to function.
Uneven episode all the way around. Is the pattern going to be eh episode-good episode-eh episode from now on?
Stuff I Loved:
+ Kurt. Chris Colfer is such a wonderful actor. I just wanted to hug Kurt and tell him that his dad will always love him, even if they don't have much in common. Also, Cory did a great job as the other confused, angsty son in the episode.
+ Brittany and Santana snuggling! Their love is so canon.
+ Sue's weight loss shakes are at once terrifying and hilarious. Also, sometimes Brittany puts sand in hers.
+ Okay, the cast dressed as random food items made me giggle.
+ Quinn and Mercedes bonding in the nurse's office. I love when characters interact outside their normal social groups.
+ Kurt and Mercedes hugging at the end!
+ The Cheno's amazing pipes. "One Less Bell to Answer / A House Is Not a Home" was so gorgeous.
Stuff I Didn't Love
- So, it goes without saying that this episode handled disordered eating in the most shallow manner possible, right? All it takes to accept yourself is a granola bar and a pep talk from a girl who IS the American beauty standard!
- "Beautiful" was very after school special-y. I mean, it was sweet, but since when is it that easy to get high schoolers to talk about (or sing about) their insecurities? Writers, you KNOW you didn't sell it when I can't buy the happy rainbow-colored ending.
- April was shoehorned into the plot and then underwritten. Kristin's glorious vocals made me think that April was supposed to have hidden depths--which the writers NEVER gave her. I mean, we know that Will is longing for Terri and the home he used to have, but who is April longing for? Will is her substitute for loneliness, but who does she miss? The moment where Will and April hold hands and fall asleep is beautiful, but the writers didn't set it up. How surprising.
- Cory Monteith + AutoTune = THE HORROR, THE HORROR. OH GOD, THE HORROR.
Of course, now my brain is coming up with April's backstory... Thanks, brain, I didn't have enough on my plate already.
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