SG1 ficlet: The Cave | Daniel, Vala | PG

Jun 16, 2011 12:25

Fandom: Stargate SG-1
Title: The Cave
Author: rustydog (LJ | DreamWidth)
Characters: Daniel Jackson, Vala Maldoran (SpaceChick)
Rating: PG
Words: ~429
Notes: Written for the incomparable GhoulChick's birthday. This is unbeta'd, doesn't really fit any continuity, and doubtless reflects my uncertainty how to write any kind of physical intimacy, even when it's this mild. Just a get-your-imagination-started type thing. Enjoy!

Daniel woke to a rushing sound in his ears - or was it in his head? - and the certainty that he was being watched. His face was resting on dirt and he couldn't move his arms.


He knew that voice, though he wasn't accustomed to the uncertainty in the tone. No matter, it didn't last for long.

"Daniel, finally!"

He was rolled over so that he was facing Vala Maldoran, who was silhouetted against a curtain of white, falling water. They appeared to be in a cave and he could tell now that his wrists were bound behind his back. The only light was coming from beyond the water.

"Daniel, you've no idea how bored I was. Are you ready to play?"

Daniel squinted up at her. "Um... we're doing what,, here?"

It was hard to tell for sure, but she had to be smiling wickedly.

"Well, the traders will be here soon, so we need to hurry." She leaned toward him, placed strong hands on his shoulders and pulled him up to a sitting position. Only now did he realize his shirt was missing.

"Traders," he stated, though it was a question.

"Never mind them, we've got some time!"

"Traders," he insisted.

"Oh, you have something they want." Vala waved a hand dismissively.

"And they'll pay you handsomely for it, I suppose."

"Yes, yes, of course, but more importantly..." - her voice had turned smoky - "you have something I want, big boy." Then she transitioned beautifully to matter-of-fact. "Now. I am told that on Earth, people have a 'safe word' for these situations. It'll be more fun if-"


"That's not a good safe word, choose another."

"Vala, we're not..." But it occurred to Daniel that the straightforward tactic was not going to work with this woman. She had survived by wits and deception for so long, she could hardly process sincerity.

"All right," he started again, cautiously. "If you'll untie me, I have an idea I think you'll like."

But she only started laughing.

"Daniel... were you going to seduce me?" Vala leaned in again and nuzzled his throat, tracing her fingers down the back of his neck, over his shoulder blades and around the base of the biceps. "Don't try to play me, darling," she whispered. "You're cuter when you're being indignant and self-righteous. Not to mention, it makes this muscle under your jaw throb..."

Daniel hoped that at the very least, his team would not arrive before the traders. He could practically feel Teal'c's disapproving eyebrow raised at him right now.

fic, sg-1

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