Torchwood drabble: Morpheus | Team | PG

Jun 10, 2011 15:51

Title: Morpheus
Author: rustydog (LJ | DreamWidth)
Characters: Team
Rating: PG
Words: 200
Notes: Written for tw100 challenge #200 Reverse Fandom: Stargate SG-1, prompt "Morpheus."

Every morning for a week, the team had arrived at work to find small things out of place, most notably a canister of Weevil spray jammed in the coffeemaker. Ianto inquired delicately about Jack's sleeping habits, but Jack shrugged it off.

...Until they all had to work through the night and found, come morning, they couldn't remember working. Tosh had keyboard impressions on her left cheek, Owen on his right, Gwen's mobile turned up inside the Rift manipulator, and there were full cups of coffee placed on nearly every flat surface.

Though they didn't quite know why, the atmosphere in the Hub felt, as Owen aptly observed, like the morning after a raging stag night.

"Tosh..." Jack began.

"Already on it, Jack-searching two weeks of artefact acquisitions, scanning for unusual particles in the environment... we might need blood tests." Tosh's skin was more flushed than usual.

While she was distracted, Owen reviewed internal CCTV at another station. He came to a few frames that were obviously him... and Tosh. Faces locked, slowly slumping onto her workstation.

He whistled softly. Decent night for him, actually, but now he really wanted to know what Jack had been doing with that Weevil spray.

torchwood, drabble

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