Title: Here Be...
rustydogCharacters: Gwen, Owen
Rating: G
Notes: Written for
tw100 challenge #174 Madeleine L'Engle titles ("Dragons in the Waters")
The image projected from Owen's microscope onto the wall looked like a fantasy scene.
"Oh, they're lovely!" Gwen crooned.
Each creature had a serpentine body with spines along what might be the dorsal side. On one end was a "head" that Gwen could have sworn resembled a wolfhound's. It even appeared to have teeth...
"Is that red one attacking the white one?"
Owen grunted and looked up from his work. "It's an all-out war. The red ones are defensive. If they lose, I don't know..."
Suddenly Gwen realised what she was looking at.
"Jack finally let you analyse his blood!"