Title: The Undiscovered Country
rustydogRating/warnings: PG, reference to non-canon character death
Characters: Sarah Page
Spoilers: set after 3x10 (but I'm unspoiled for the new series)
Notes: Written for
primeval00 challenge #164 Bones. This is a bleak AU snip that wouldn't get out of my head.
Sarah never really regretted having added paleontology blogs to her feed aggregator, but today the news was juicier than usual: some scandal involving an American who claimed to have discovered modern human fossils in a Cretaceous deposit. His colleagues were crying hoax, but the details were so specific. "...two individuals, male and female, both young adults, buried in an ancient river bed with their arms curiously crossing one another's..."
Suddenly Sarah felt ill. She took a few slow, deep breaths before getting up. She needed to compose herself before going to inform Lester that she might have found Abby and Connor.