Jul 08, 2004 23:54
firstly, GUESS WHERE I AM! well at the moment, in a hotel in So Cal :) todays my last real day here, comin back home tomorrow :D which should be exciting of course, gotta say, miss my bed a TON!
secondly, i had a moment today. no not a "omg im so stupid moment" but a "aw thats cute moment". My family went to universal studios in hollywood, and we decided to do this van helsings walkthrough thing, and leme tell u, its pretty creepy, but i was totally cool with it, my MOTHER on the other hand was going CRAZY. She was so incredibly scared of it, and was clutching to my hand like a little girl! and thats when my moment happened. Looking at my mom clutching to me as if she was my child, needing the comfort of my touch, and needing me to lead her to saftey... that was a moment of "wow. she needs me. Im all grown up and she needs me. And i need her too". It was nice :)
Next, random dream i thought i would put out :)So I am dating this guy. no clue what his face looks like now. Funny, i would reconize it if i saw it but i cant remember it otherwise...anyways,i am walking down the street with him, and we just talk, and theres this connection, like amazing. then my dream does this weird blurry thing where it kinda speeds things up, but really fast so in like five minutes suddenly like five years have passed, dunno exactly how many years but its a few later, i look a bit different, dressed a little more like an adult, and im buying a ticket. So i buy this ticket to a play, that my guy tells me to go to, because hes in it. So i get myself the best seats possible with one of my friends, and i sit and watch the play. Its like about roommates and crossed information, and falling for the wrong but oh-so-right person or something close to that. And the closing number, thers this song (well its a musical acutally) and im sitting there, when suddenly, the power goes out in the auditorium. So im sitting there all confused, and disoriented and then suddenly the lights turn on, and a new set is on! So im thinking, okay, scene change, whatever, until i realize on stage is my guy front and center, with the entire ensemble behind him, and hes holding a heart shaped piece of wood that has my name carved into it. So then as im realizing this, singing begins, and i wish i could remember the song or anything about it. all i remember is feeling all happy and soothen and then suddenly nervous and anxious. At the end of the song, i realize the song was ABOUT me and my guy and our time together, and that its his marriage proposal to me. I remember jumping up, saying yes and then the dream fading out.
i wish i had that in real life.