Oh right and we could use good vibes this weekend.

Jul 29, 2010 17:59

We're heading to IL for another baby shower!

The drama between MIL and HER MIL is old news, it started well before Nate or I was born and it still goes on to this day. The only new development is Monte picking a side, and he took Wanda's side. I should clarify which one. His wife, not his mom. There was a lot of drama around our wedding shower, the grandma decided that she needed all of her kids and their wives and kids to help her move a dresser. No I'm not kidding. That's something like 14 adults, 7+ of them were expected and rsvp'd to the shower. That entire half of the family was a no-show. Monte was pissed. Still is pissed. Is now battling with his brother (who is Mama's Boy) and Nate is in complete denial that his grandmother treats him, his brother and his parents like poop. We had to go visit her at Christmas because Nate wanted her to know that we're not mad at her at all. Oh really? I was pissed too.

ANYWAY. So my MIL is throwing the shower and if any of Monte's family asks anything about it, I'm just going to tell him that "Oh yes, Wanda hosted a shower for her family/friends." Uh huh. She didn't invite any of them. Except his step-grandma and her daughter. Yep. Awkward! Oh and we were invited to a birthday party (Monte's side of the family) the next day. Now the plan is to drop off cards a few hours before the party and get the hell out of dodge. Nate thinks that her not inviting them is going to make him look like a jerk and she told him "Oh honey, they won't think that. I'm the bitch, I always have been. I am what they made me!" and frankly, that side of the family skeevs me out, there are a few really nice ones but the rest just follow grandma's lead and kinda ignore or are downright rude to Nate and Nick. I may not adore all of my cousins, but I talk to them at gatherings and I wouldn't ignore them if I saw them on the street, know what I mean?

So we could use some good, non-awkward vibes please.

But I'm really excited for the shower! And I think my MIL is too! She just decided that she needed to run to town to get mylar baloons! LOL!!! A trip to town is about 30 minutes away! For baloons?! Really?! Ahahahaha!!!

family drama!, ryan lee, nate

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