I've had a hankering lately for sweet potato fries. I've been seeing them everywhere lately, from
Zingerman's Roadhouse, to
Paula Deen, and
Trader Joe's. I bought some some sweet potatoes from the market a few weeks ago and attempted to make my own from scratch. They didn't crisp up the way any of the previously mentioned ones did, but they were tasty just the same. For lunch today, I decide to take the last two potatoes I had and experiment to get the texture I was looking for. Well, I lucked out and in my first batch I found that I had them too crowded previously. So now I have a yummy and nutritious snack (well, minus the mayonnaise/hot sauce mixture I am dipping them in.) All it took was a 450°F oven, sweet potato spears cut into 1/4" wide strips, and a light tossing in olive oil. 40 minutes later, delicious orange goodness on my plate! Granted, they'll never be as crispy as traditional french fries, but I like them in their own way.