It’s six sleeps to Christmas! And therefore, it is time to spread some holiday cheer, because I had a pretty great week and full excitement has just hit me this weekend. I have my pyjamas on, Christmas songs playing on YouTube, and it’s been snowing! I love Christmas time!
Firstly, the non-NCIS-related stuff, because I’ll get all rambly on that later! )
Hope you're well hon! :-)
I think I'm going to need to take a little break before I dive into another show to recover and reconnect with the rest of my life but I will definitly give SGA a go.
If distracted by a new fandom is well then I'm fantastic :D
Same to you :-)
As for Faith I'll come back and reply in more depth later but my overall reaction was that I was bored. That could have been because I was coming off a marathon SG1 session so I'm going to have to rewatch it when I'm not so distracted. I ( ... )
I normally don't like guys with longer hair but I feel in love with him almost immediately (I think the episode Fire and Water was the clincher). I especially love the scenes where he is not wearing glasses and you can stare into his beautiful. *g* I've got it bad ;-)
And I should probably stop this squeeing and go to bed now because it's 2am here and I am so tired (but I just couldn't resist watching the first couple of eps of season 7. Daniel's back!)
Usually I'd be a total enabler and encourage you to stay up late - but you want to be able to remember the episodes you watch, LOL! And I think you've probably got enough Daniel on the brain, and burned onto your retinas, to have some lovely dreams! ;-)
Get some sleep! *g*
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