Beware! Tony-centric rambling, ravings, swoonings and squeeings behind the cut, along with 27 poorly cut and coloured caps!
tejas, I swear I'm totally re-writing as well. I just got distracted by Tony's nose and hair. Again. ;-)
7x05 - Code of Conduct )
I'm definitely going to go back and re-watch the episode in that way we've talked about, where I start paying attention to things that aren't just about Tony's face/voice/awesomeness. Was it the plot that you found a bit jarring, or like, the way they switched scenes? I would say that I think they're trying quite hard, this season, to make sure viewers know that this is a character-driven show, if that makes sense. Like, they've got all these new viewers, and a lot of the articles on the show's sudden massive popularity increase focus on the character interaction, so they're focusing on that a lot, then the plot, rather than letting the interaction develop naturally from the plot. Thing is, the show's never been broken, maybe only a little faulty in parts, and so it doesn't need fixing or even enhancing from the earlier seasons.
Length is totally encouraged! Never apologise for length, it's one of my rules! ;-) ( ... )
1. I think that having itchy feet is probably more likely but I can't resist the rescued by Gibbs idea. One of the first fics I read was Rictus and it's hard to go back after that. It is about time we got more about Tony. We get a lot episodes that are centered around him but nothing about his past and considering how big a fans the writers are about character's pasts it's about time we got his ( ... )
I have read a couple of pretty good fics where his father comes to repair the rift but even those can be difficult to believe, although that be because I have my own father issues that I can't see past. I think there was definite neglect with possible physical and/or emotional abuse (the emotional abuse more likely) and that couldn't be resolved in just one episode. This might be bad but I would like to see Tony's father involved in a case in some way and Tony being really compentent and smart but his father can't see past the how he knew Tony as a child and things aren't resolved.
I think your saying that one episode couldn't solve a rift that's lasted over a decade, possibly closer to two, and because of issues that clearly and canonically started in Tony's childhood, is spot on - and it's definitely not what I want to happen. I can totally buy emotional abuse, and I waver on the physical abuse issue. I can buy both options, that his father did hit him, or he didn't. The neglect is canon, specifically ( ... )
That's an interesting idea about having it relate to Kelly, I could buy that. And he is being more open about his memories of them, so yeah that's a possibility. But as much as I am getting sick of Gibbs' backstory, for moments like these something, even a one line comment, is needed to stop it from being ooc.
I'm open on the physical abuse too. I enjoy reading it because it is another form of Tony!Whump and there are enough suggestions in canon to suggest it was a possibility. The one thing that could be against it is the allowence of Gibbslaps. If he had been physically abused I don't think he would be so welcoming of them, especially at the start of their relationship and I think if Tony had seriously objected it or had some other reaction the first time Gibbs gave him one, Gibbs would have discontinued the practice. I don't remember that in Hide & Seek, I'll have to go back and watch. I personally think that what Tony says in Chained is the truth, the way he says ( ... )
Yeah, the problem is we're having to come up with these reasons for it, we're being given pretty much nothing to explain this change in character. I am really surprised the day has come that I actually want Gibbs to be explained more, after a while of thinking we already had been told everything there was possible to know ( ... )
I re-read Trial and Tribulations by Richefic last night and it ties in nicely with what we are discussing. A couple of interpretations made were that Tony's father never touched him and that's why Tony likes the fact that Gibbs slaps him on a regular basis, that physical touch. There was also how Gibbs would like to show more affection, like he does to Abby and Ducky, but Tony is the one who is keeping the distance. The bit I liked the most is how Tony chooses his clothing based on how secure/confident he is feeling ( ... )
Yeah, he's always been willing to call Gibbs out when he's doing something Tony doesn't approve of - the two incidents that first come to mind are the Moby Dick smackdown in Reveille and the awesome rant in Cloak - and, interestingly, I think both of those incidents are in response to Gibbs kind of endangering the team. Not so much in Reveille, but his obsession is becoming dangerous then, and Tony tries to jolt him out of it, and in Cloak it's very much about the lies - justifiably, because Tony and Ziva were physically harmed as a result of them. I'm beginning to question which comes first in Tony's priorities and loyaties: Gibbs or the team ( ... )
Nothing wrong with being a little greedy ;-) And anyway I don't think it is greedy to get more of a backstory about a major character, considering how much certain others have gotten. And it's certainly not greedy to want to see more brilliant acting! :-)
Yeah, his standing up to Gibbs in ( ... )
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