Happy Halloween, everyone! Are any of you doing anything special? I'm working on my college app, which seems to be getting longer the more I work on it.
I have to watch The Patriot and write a report about its historical inaccuracies, and I was not happy, because I really hate violent movies.
And then I IMDB'd it. And found out it has Heath Ledger and Adam Baldwin, which makes me happy in the pants area.
Okay, I'm 57 minutes in, the movie is boring as fuck, and Adam Baldwin still hasn't shown up. And my essay is only 42% done. *dies*
This month was pretty busy for me. To recap, I: turned seventeen and took the PSATs on the same day, got my license, drove on the highway, decided to apply for college, hit the halfway point of the trimester, saw Avenue Q...oh yeah, and I wrote some stuff.
October 2009 Writing Roundup
Singularity Firefly; Kaylee/River; adult; 1,720 words
It happens so often that Kaylee gets used to River sidling up behind her all slow and cautious-like; she doesn’t hear the quiet footsteps over the whir of the engine.
Homeward Bound Firefly; ensemble; pg-13, 1,000 words
Home, where my music's playing; home, where my love lies waiting.
Running Mates Supernatural; Sam and Dean, pg; 155 words
Featuring small towns, SAT prep books, and wrestling.
This Doesn't Even Feel Like Falling Firefly; Mal/Inara; pg-13, 2,802 words
"So. Business--the whoring kind. How's that working out for you?"
Distilled (The Radiator Coils and White Sugar Remix) Firefly; River, Simon/Kaylee; pg-13, 150 words
River is the first to know that Kaylee's pregnant.
Remix of
Juice by
Blinded by Your Love (The Confusion of a Conflict Remix) Grey's Anatomy; Owen/Cristina; spoilers through 5.19; pg-13; 454 words
There are simple things / there are no simple things of us.
Remix of
Frankly You Saw Me by
Persuasion (The Twisting Your Arm Remix) House; House/Foreman, Taub; pg-13; 216 words.
Taub is really starting to regret leaving plastic surgery to work for House.
Remix of
Convincing by
If anyone wants my top five songs for the month, let me know and I'll upload them in an edit to this post.