Persuasion (The Twisting Your Arm Remix)
House; House/Foreman, Taub; pg-13; 216 words
Taub is really starting to regret leaving plastic surgery to work for House.
Remix of
Convincing by
Taub is really starting to regret leaving plastic surgery to work for House.
It's not just that the hours are terrible (although they're not nearly as bad as his internship). And sure, he felt guilty about the affair, but who's to say he couldn't have lived with it? Everyone needs a healthy dose of Jewish guilt. And surprisingly, the salary isn't what bothers him most. Even though it's shitty, he gets to feel like he's helping people instead of just helping them get laid.
No. The worst part is Foreman. And the...thing he has with House. They don't act like Chase and Cameron, thank God--Taub would probably puke if they did--but there's enough tension to make workdays uncomfortable.
Two months into House and Foreman's 'not-relationship', Foreman gets a raise (and he was already making more than the rest of them). It's obvious. Foreman walks in late, with House, and with a smirk playing at the edges of his mouth.
The day after that, House comes in flaunting a hickey, and Foreman's wearing a new suit, complete with a new tie, a new pair of shoes, and a new belt. The bastard got a raise.
"If I sleep with Cuddy, can I have a raise too?" Taub asks, and House rolls his eyes.