fic: Full Disclosure

Oct 19, 2010 22:29

Full Disclosure
Supernatural; Sam/Jess; pg; 505 words
He's seen her playing with her little cousins, and she's so good with them.

For venacavaa.


Rudy's Bar only paid $8.00 an hour, but Sam got good tips. He put every cent that didn't go towards paying for books, or the off-campus apartment he shared with Jess, or food in a bank account. He started saving money the day of their six-month anniversary; the engagement ring he had his eye on cost $2,270. When Sam asked Becky, she told him, and then advised that he wait until after graduation to ask her.

"She's just so stressed, you know? Her thesis is really kicking her ass."

Sam nodded. "Of course." It wasn't like he didn't know-he lived with her, and he could see how hard she was working. "I'll ask her graduation night. At the party. Just...don't tell her, okay? I want it to be a surprise."

Becky rolled her eyes. "I'm not stupid, Sam. I would never. But just so you know, a girl knows these things. She'll know."

"Alright, thanks." Sam reached into his pocket and fished a crumpled picture out. "She'll like this, right?" he asked, showing it to Becky.

"Oh, she'll love it. Exactly her style. You didn't need me to tell you that, though."


He started working an extra shift or two a week to make enough cash to buy the ring, and maybe have a little left over to start their wedding fund. Jess, exhausted from her thesis, her classes, and her own job working at Stanford University Hospital, was almost always asleep when Sam came home. He didn't like not being able to see her as much, but there would be plenty of time after graduation. After she (hopefully) accepts his marriage proposal.

As cheesy as it is, he's thought about their future together. Sam will go to law school, Jess will go to med school, and they'll get married during their second year. He'll be excited about the wedding, sure, but that's just one day. It's a party, not their marriage. Jess will look beautiful, as always, and maybe Dean will come.

Dean never wanted kids, but Sam always did. "We grew up with a crappy dad. I want to do better for someone."

Dean's voice had hardened when he said, "Dad did the best he could, and you know it. You think you can do a better job, then have at it."

To Sam's knowledge, there are no little Winchesters running around, although the girls Dean sleeps with aren't exactly the type to call, even if there was a kid involved. That's one of the things Sam liked about Jess: she's fun (and even a little wild at times), but it's so easy to picture her in five years, maybe ten, as a wife and mother. He's seen her playing with her little cousins, and she's so good with them. The kids he'll have with her will have green eyes, dark hair and olive skin. They'll be smart and have Jess's sass and play on the tire swing in the backyard.

Fuck waiting; he'll ask her tomorrow.

sam/jess, fic: supernatural, jessica moore, sam winchester

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