Jul 11, 2007 19:24
Hello there, im currently sitting in Adam's mum and dad's lounge in Durham watching the Simpsons with Adam next to m - hold on - Adam is a poo face, hes reading my diary as i write, bad!
Ok, he's now looking for a pen so he can do some work, peace at last!
Anyway, im up north enjoying a bit of a break from the hustle and bustle and pollution of Reading, it's sooooo good to breath some clean air for once. The city really gets me down after a while, so does the house we used to live in. Were going back on saturday on the train as we need to unpack our new room in our new house before we both start our jobs on monday. Our new room is so big, compared to our old room at least, so im looking forward to being able to swing a proverbial cat in there.
And then there's the small matter of researching my dissertation, what fun that will be. I've been haunting Durham uni's library for a few things to keep me occupied while im up here, and i've emailed a few uni's so that i can get access to their resources over the summer break, also managed to score a meeting with the head curator of the Greek and Roman areas of the British Museum, go me! Im really nervous, so im gonna do loads more research before i see her, just so i don't look like an idiot if she asks me any questions, not that she will, it's my opportunity to pick her brains, but it's better to be safe than sorry.
It's gonna be a hectic summer, i really need to clear my overdraft before term starts again at the beginning of October, i don't wanna be skint like i was last term, it makes me miserable if i can't have at least one nite out a week, whether it's with our mates or just Adam, i like doing my hair, dressing up and having a few bevvies, it's important to de-stress. I've managed to clear my other overdraft (yes i have two!) with some money for a small car accident i had last week, no one was seriously hurt, but me and Adam got whip lash and should get a grand each compensation, which is much needed money! I think it was a sign or a gift from above, we both needed a way out of debt, and we now have one. Unfortunately, i also have a rather sore neck and back, but i had some treatment done today by Adam's aunty, she specialises in Aromatherapy and massage, so i feel rather pampered and much less achy! Hopefully sleep will be a little easier tonight...
Im also really wanting to devote more time to my religion, which has been sadly neglected lately, my own fault i know, and there's no excuse, life just sometimes gets in the way. Really keen to start making my own skin care and bath products, im sick of reading labels on shampoo that list about 1000 ingredients, i want something natural! I don't wanna pay loads of money for things whose first listed ingredient is Aqua (water!). No idea if im going to have the time or the money, but i can try my best.
Oh and HP!!! Can not wait to see it, i will actually wet myself! Then there's the last book, it's gonna be majorly devastating to finish the series, but i have so many great memories because of these 7 books which i will cherish forever. Harry Potter brought a few incredible people into my life, some are still a part of my life, others sadly aren't, but i will carry these memories with me forever. I just really hope DH lives up to the others and is a mind blowing close to the long and magickal journey that the Harry Potter series has been! My life would not have been the same without it...