I'm on a roll, no? Well, sewing for Lati yellow, I've discovered, is a bit easier then sewing for Pullips. Not because of the size (that's harder actually), but because little Latis don't have curves or a bust. :P Well, I don't know, I think it's easier but maybe I'm just weird.
Anyway, first up is a little pink and white dress I worked on last night and finished this morning. Piper is modeling:
It's the same design as the blue one I made for Bailey, posted yesterday, I only made some adjustments to the sleeves. I think they are a little better, but still not perfect...at least I'm making progress. I also made the skirt less full, but that seemed to give it a bit of a sack-like look. I didn't mean to do that, but I like it anyway. I also meant to make the skirt a bit shorter but that's didn't work out quite the way I intended, oh well (next time I will measure first, that usually helps, heh).
Piper is being silly in this photo...I think she is scrutinizing her shoes? I don't know... :P
This is a two-piece set with a shirt and a skirt. It's more casual so I call it the "Sporty Skirt" set. I'm not totally sure about it yet...but it's fun to experiment.
Next up I'm going to try and make some stuff for Allison's little Cameron who is still visiting me (I haven't forgotten about him!). I'm nervous about how successful I'm going to be but I suppose I won't know until I try. Hope it goes okay...
Thanks for looking! :D