Ugh. Last week a friend of mine invited me to do a facebook thing, where, for five days, I was supposed to post the 3 positivies things of the day. Yesterday was really hard, as I really had a bad day, on many level... where should I start from? The fact that my car, which I just got painted, got scratches while Andrew was driving it? (In case you were wodnering: the work didn't last two weeks.). The fact that I had little costumers during the whole day? Or that fact that one of mi kitties is at risk of obesity, so now she has to go through a cure and between food and drugs yesterday I spent 60 euros? Or the fact that this night I didn't get to sleep because my father was sick with his stomach, and as any (many) other men, he can't deal with it and so he is very vocal? And, oh, there would be still so much to say... But I think I said enough.
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