My story's set in a broad-AU (Earth with magic), and I'd like to get the "feel" right (and maybe steal some ideas of events that can happen to Our Heroine
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Back again despite having just asked questions for another project a few days ago. I hit writer's block on that so I figured I'd work on another thing. Ironically, I needed help with that as well.
Scenario: A male character was born to a prostitute in the Yoshiwara District and later is sent to a male brothel to work. The work takes place when he'
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Setting: Secondary world technologically equivalent to the early 19th century. Search terms: no new births, declining birth rate, sub-replacement fertility, historical pregnancy per capita, historical birth rate
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I am writing an AU set at the turn of the 19th century during the Napoleonic Wars. Part of the story concerns a journey on a British warship
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I've been researching the British Navy for a Napolenonic War-era novel and I've found a lot of resources for the various details I'll need to know, but there's one thing I've had trouble finding. Is there a legitimate reason for the officers of a ship to be ashore for any significant length of time? "Shore leave" apparently wasn't a thing during
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I've looked for "deafness and Regency England," "hearing impaired IN regency England," combinations of those terms and "sign language in regency England" and "sign language in early Victorian England" as well as searches for "hearing impaired communication in 19th century England and Great Britain" with little success. What I'm wondering is...
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