For the folks down under

Mar 25, 2006 00:47

Short story idea I'm working on.

Main character, is an American, 16 and attending high school (circa 2001) in a rural Australian town pretty much in the middle of hick country. His dad is a U.S. Marine doing Marine things with the Aussies at a base nearby. For his 16th birthday, he and his three best mates load up an old land rover with cases of beer, cherry bombs, some dynamite, and an aboriginal kid with a knack for picking locks and hot wiring cars. The night starts with beer drinking and cow tipping, and ends with an Earthmover of the ten to twelve foot tall tire variety being parked in the munincipal pool. Lots of mayhem in between.

I envision the town being small, mostly there for the miltary folks and the ranchers in area. There's some miners around as well, so there's big heavy trucks. Area's got some hills to it, maybe a lake. Wwhere in Australia would it be most likely? Looking at Maps, North Territory or Eastern Queensland is my guess, but I really don't know much about Australian geography.

Also; What would he wear at school? Uniform? Whatever he digs out of his closet in the morning? If a uniform, what would the uniform be? Polo shirt, slacks and shoes? What about lockers? Typical school day? TV programs? That sort of thing.

Oh, and some tips on local wildlife would help as well.


australia (misc), australia: education

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